Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club, 1919-1920
On the heels of winning the National League pennant, American Cup, and National Cup in 1918-1919, the Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club toured Scandinavia in the summer of 1919 and impressed their European competitors. Upon their return to the States, however, the Steel Workers fell into a slump. In the 1919-1920 season, the Bethlehem Steel team didn't win any of the honors it had won the year before.
Below are newspaper accounts of the Bethelehem Steel Soccer Club during their 1919-1920 season.
July 10, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 15, 1919 -- Scandinavian tour news
July 17, 1919 -- Scandinavian trip schedule
July 17, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 21, 1919 -- National League lineup
July 21, 1919 -- Ratican captain of touring team
July 22, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 22, 1919 -- Banquet for departing players
July 23, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 23, 1919 -- Bethlehem players in exhibition match
July 23, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 30, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
August 15, 1919 -- vs. Tigers, 1-0 [exhibition]
August 18, 1919 -- vs. All-Sweden, 2-1 [exhibition]
August 19, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
August 21, 1919 -- Soccer Notes
August 22, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
August 25, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
August 26, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 1, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 5, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 8, 1919 -- vs. Gotenberg, 1-3 [exhibition]
September 9, 1919 -- vs. A. I. K., 2-2 [exhibition]
September 10, 1919 -- vs. Tigers, 1-0 [exhibition]
September 15, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 16, 1919 -- Soccer Notes
September 20, 1919 -- final game in Sweden
October 1, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 3, 1919 -- Easton and Wilson return from Europe
October 3, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 4, 1919 -- Players remain in Europe
October 8, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 9, 1919 -- soccer notes
October 13, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 13, 1919 -- soccer notes
October 14, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 15, 1919 -- National Cup lineup
October 16, 1919 -- Steel will not be ready to play
October 18, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 21, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 22, 1919 -- University of Pennsylvania preview
October 23, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 23, 1919 -- League defends Bethlehem Steel
October 24, 1919 -- University of Pennsylvania preview
October 27, 1919 vs. University of Pennsylvania, 3-1 [exhibition]
October 28, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 4, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 6, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 10, 1919 -- vs. Germantown Boys' Club, 6-1 [American Cup, 2nd round]
November 14, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 17, 1919 -- vs. Puritan Y. M. C., 7-1 [National Cup, 1st round]
November 18, 1919 -- soccer notes
November 24, 1919 -- soccer notes
November 25, 1919 -- soccer notes
November 26, 1919 -- soccer notes
November 28, 1919 -- vs. Merchant Ship, 3-0 [National Cup]
December 1, 1919 -- vs. Disston, 4-0 [American Cup]
December 3, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 4, 1919 -- soccer notes
December 8, 1919 -- U. S. F. A. action
December 8, 1919 -- soccer notes
December 8, 1919 -- vs. Paterson, 2-0 [National Cup]
December 9, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 15, 1919 -- vs. New York F. C., 1-4 [National League]
December 15, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 17, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 18, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 19, 1919 -- soccer notes
December 20, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 22, 1919 -- vs. Erie, 1-2 [National League]
December 22, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 24, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 26, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 29, 1919 -- vs. New York Ship, 1-0 [National Cup, 3rd round]
December 29, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 30, 1919 -- Federal Ship preview
January 2, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 5, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 7, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 8, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 9, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 9, 1920 -- soccer notes
January 12, 1920 -- vs. Federal Ship, 5-0 [American Cup, 4th round]
January 15, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 16, 1920 -- soccer notes
January 19, 1920 -- vs. Morse Dry Docks, 5-0 [National League]
Janaury 19, 1919 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 21, 1920 -- soccer notes
January 26, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 29, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 2, 1920 -- soccer notes
February 2, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 4, 1920 -- soccer notes
February 5, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 7, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 11, 1920 -- soccer notes
February 13, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 16, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 19, 1920 -- soccer news
February 20, 1920 -- film of Swedish tour
February 27, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 4, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 9, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 11, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 13, 1920 -- Wanderers preview
March 19, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 22, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 22, 1920 -- vs. Wanderers, 10-0 [American Cup, fourth round]
March 23, 1920 -- vs. Reserves
March 23, 1920 -- South American tour
March 24, 1920 -- National League standings
March 24, 1920 -- Robins preview
March 25, 1920 -- soccer notes
March 28, 1920 -- soccer notes
March 29, 1920 -- vs. Erie, 5-1 [American Cup, semi-final] -- Bethlehem Globe-Times
March 29, 1920 -- vs. Erie, 5-1 [American Cup, semi-final] -- Pittsburgh Post
March 30, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 31, 1920 -- soccer notes
March 31, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 2, 1920 -- soccer notes
April 5, 1920 -- vs. Robins Dry Dock, 0-1 [National Cup, 5th round] -- Bethlehem Globe-Times
April 5, 1920 -- vs. Robins Dry Dock, 0-1 [National Cup, 5th round] -- Pittsburgh Post
April 5, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 5, 1920 -- soccer notes
April 7, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 9, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 12, 1920 -- vs. Morse Dry Dock, 0-0 [National League] -- Bethlehem Globe-Times
April 12, 1920 -- vs. Morse Dry Dock, 0-0 [National League] -- Pittsburgh Post
April 12, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 13, 1920 -- soccer notes
April 14, 1920 -- soccer notes, league standings
April 15, 1920 -- soccer notes
April 16, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 19, 1920 -- vs. Merchant, 2-3 [exhibition]
April 19, 1920 -- soccer notes
April 23, 1920 -- soccer notes
April 23, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 26, 1920 -- vs. Paterson, 5-0 [National League]; vs. New York F. C., 5-0 [National League]
April 27, 1920 -- soccer notes
May 3, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 3, 1920 -- vs. Robins, 0-1 [American Cup final]
May 10, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 14, 1920 -- soccer notes
May 17, 1920 -- vs. Erie, 4-0 [National League]
May 19, 1920 -- soccer notes
May 24, 1920 -- vs. Robins, 6-1 [National League]
May 24, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 28, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 31, 1920 -- soccer notes
June 1, 1920 -- Bethlehem wins National League
June 7, 1920 -- vs. Robins, 3-0 [National League]
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club