Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club, 1920-1921
Bethlehem Steel was knocked out of the National Cup competition in the second round by Erie A. A.
Below are clippings for The Globe of Bethlehem.
July 2, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 7, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 12, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 17, 1920 -- H. E. Lewis to marry
July 19, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 21, 1920 -- Brazilian tour plans
July 24, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 28, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 29, 1920 -- Brazilian tour plans
August 2, 1920 -- soccer tournament
August 3, 1920 -- Brazilian tour plans
August 5, 1920 -- Brazilian tour plans
August 11, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
August 13, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
August 14, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
August 16, 1920 -- Brazilian trip canceled
August 17, 1920 -- prospects for season
September 3, 1920 -- Bethlehem begins training
September 8, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 11, 1920 -- soccer notes
September 27, 1920 -- vs. Robins Dry Dock, 1-0 [National League]
September 27, 1920 -- National Cup draw
September 28, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 4, 1920 -- vs. Federal Ship, 5-0 [National League]
October 11, 1920 -- vs. Erie, 3-2 [National League]
October 12, 1920 -- Hibernians preview
October 14, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 18, 1920 -- vs. Hibernians, 6-1 [National Cup, 1st round]
October 22, 1920 -- National Cup draw, second round
October 22, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 22, 1920 -- Bethlehem leads league
October 25, 1920 -- vs. Wolfenden Shore, 3-1 [exhibition]
October 29, 1920 -- soccer notes
November 1, 1920 -- vs. New York F. C., 1-1 [National League]
November 2, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 2, 1920 -- soccer notes
November 8, 1920 -- vs. Erie A. A., 3-4 [National Cup, 2nd round]
November 9, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 11, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 12, 1920 -- soccer notes
November 16, 1920 -- soccer notes
November 17, 1920 -- soccer notes
November 19, 1920 -- Paterson preview
November 22, 1920 -- vs. Paterson, 3-0 [National League]
November 24, 1920 -- soccer notes
November 24, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 26, 1920 -- vs. Fore River, 2-3 [exhibition]
November 29, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 2, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 2, 1920 -- soccer notes
December 6, 1920 -- vs. Dobson, 1-1 [American Cup, 2nd round]
December 7, 1920 -- Thomas W. Cahill resigns from U.S.F.A.
December 7, 1920 -- soccer notes
December 10, 1920 -- soccer notes
December 13, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 14, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 14, 1920 -- soccer note
December 20, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 20, 1920 -- vs. Hibernians, 3-0 [American Cup, 4th round]
December 23, 1920 -- Disston game cancelled
December 27, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 27, 1920 -- vs. All-Stars, 5-0 [exhibition]
December 29, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 31, 1920 -- Robins preview
December 31, 1920 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 31, 1920 -- year-end wrap-up
January 3, 1921 -- vs. Robins, 0-1 [4th round, American Cup]
January 3, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 5, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 5, 1921 -- soccer notes
January 7, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 10, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 10, 1921 -- vs. Babcock & Wilcox, 10-2 [National League]
January 11, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 12, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 12, 1921 -- soccer notes
January 17, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 17, 1921 -- vs. New York F. C., 4-0
January 18, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 18, 1921 -- Robins preview
January 21, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 24, 1921 -- vs. Robins, 3-2 [National League]
January 24, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 26, 1921 -- Chelsea wants Brittan
January 26, 1921 -- Soccer Notes
January 28, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 31, 1921 -- vs. Disston, 9-0
January 31, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row</a>
February 1, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 7, 1921 -- vs. Federal Ship, 1-0 [National League]
February 8, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 8, 1921 -- team may move to Philadelphia
February 10, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 14, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 14, 1921 -- vs. Erie, 1-3 [exhibition]
February 15, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 19, 1921 -- will not transfer games
February 21, 1921 -- Soccer Notes
March 1, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 7, 1921 -- New Jersey vs. Pennsylvania [exhibition]
March 14, 1921 -- Soccer Notes
March 14, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 16, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 19, 1921 -- vs. Pick of Allied League
March 21, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 21, 1921 -- vs. Pick of Allied League, 2-2 [exhibition]
March 25, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 25, 1921 -- soccer notes
March 26, 1921 -- soccer notes
March 28, 1921 -- vs. Beth. District All Stars, 8-0 [National League]
March 31, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 1, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 4, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 4, 1921 -- vs. Babcock & Wilcox, 5-0 [National League]
April 5, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 7, 1921 -- soccer notes
April 8, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 9, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 9, 1921 -- Scottish team
April 9, 1921 -- new soccer league
May 9, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 9, 1921 -- W. Luther Lewis elected president of ASL
May 10, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 16, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 21, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 23, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 23, 1921 -- American Soccer League organized
May 24, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 26, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 28, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 28, 1921 -- U. S. F. A. meeting
June 2, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
June 3, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
June 13, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
June 16, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
June 17, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
June 18, 1921 -- Soccer notes
June 22, 1921 -- Profile of Joe Morrison
June 23, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
June 23, 1921 -- Soccer notes
June 24, 1921 -- Scottish All-Stars preview
June 27, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
June 30, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
June 30, 1921 -- Reception planned for Scottish All-Stars
July 1, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 7, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 8, 1921 -- Scottish All-Stars preview
July 8, 1921 -- Bethlehem players see All-Stars in Jersey City
July 14, 1921 -- vs. Scottish All Stars, 1-8 [exhibition]
July 14, 1921 -- Banquet for Scottish All-Stars
July 14, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 15, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 18, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 18, 1921 -- Scottish All-Stars vs. All-Philadelphia, 2-1 [exhibition]
July 22, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 23, 1921 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club