Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club, 1922-1923
During the 1922-1923 season, the Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club played in the American Soccer League under the name "Philadelphia Field Club." They won the ASL championship, with a 17-4-3 record. The club had several ASL leading scorers on its squad: 3rd Tommy Fleming, 9th Dougie Campbell, 18th Fred Morley. Findlay Kerr was the 2nd leading goalkeeper for the ASL.
Below are newspaper accounts of the Bethelehem Steel Soccer Club during their 1922-1923 season:
July 7, 1922 -- Five leave Bethlehem Steel
July 14, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
July 19, 1922 -- Future of Bethlehem Steel F. C.
July 19, 1922 -- Rumors of Brittan's departure
August 8, 1922 -- Future of Bethlehem Steel F. C.
August 11, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
August 11, 1922 -- Future of Bethlehem Steel F. C.
August 12, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
August 15, 1922 -- Front line
August 17, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 6, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 19, 1922 -- Brittan goes to Fall River
September 20, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 29, 1922 -- New lineup
October 2, 1922 -- vs. Old-Timers, 0-0 [exhibition]
October 5, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 7, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 9, 1922 -- vs. Philadelphia, 1-2 [ASL]
October 16, 1922 -- vs. Kaywood, 4-0 [1st round National Cup]
October 23, 1922 -- Fleisher preview
October 23, 1922 -- vs. Paterson, 2-1 [ASL]
October 24, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 30, 1922 -- vs. New York, 1-0 [ASL]
October 31, 1922 -- league standings
November 2, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 4, 1922 -- vs. Fleisher, 1-0 [2nd round National Cup]
November 6, 1922 -- vs. Fleisher, 1-0 [2nd round National Cup]
November 10, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 13, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 13, 1922 -- vs. Fleisher, 2-3 [2nd round American Cup]
November 20, 1922 -- vs. Harrison, 3-0 [ASL]
November 22, 1922 -- Season tickets
November 27, 1922 -- vs Fairhill, 3-0 [National Cup]
November 28, 1922 -- Harrison preview
November 29, 1922 -- Currie sick
December 1, 1922 -- Currie dies
December 1, 1922 -- vs. Brooklyn, 1-0 [ASL]
December 5, 1922 -- J & P Coats, Fall River preview
December 8, 1922 -- vs. Harrison, 3-0 [ASL]
December 8, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 8, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 11, 1922 -- vs. Coats, 2-0 [ASL]; vs. Fall River, 0-0 [ASL]
December 12, 1922 -- Paterson preview
December 15, 1922 -- Paterson preview
December 15, 1922 -- soccer notes
December 18, 1922 -- vs. Paterson, 2-2 [ASL]
December 18, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 20, 1922 -- Philadelphia preview
December 26, 1922 -- vs. New York F. C., 1-4 [National Cup]
December 26, 1922 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 27, 1922 -- Brooklyn preview
December 28, 1922 -- Brooklyn preview
January 1, 1923 -- vs. Brooklyn, 3-0 [ASL]
January 1, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 2, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 3, 1923 -- Coats preview
January 3, 1923 -- Carnihan joins team
January 8, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 8, 1923 -- vs. Coats, 1-1 [ASL]
January 10, 1923 -- corner kicks
January 11, 1923 -- Paterson preview
January 12, 1923 -- Paterson preview
January 15, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 15, 1923 -- Fall River preview
January 15, 1923 -- vs. Paterson, 2-1 [ASL]
January 16, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 17, 1923 -- Fall River preview
January 19, 1923 -- Fall River preview
January 22, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 22, 1923 -- vs. Fall River, 3-2 [ASL]
January 26, 1923 -- Maxwell joins team
January 27, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 27, 1923 -- invitation to play in Argentina
January 29, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 1, 1923 -- New York preview
February 2, 1923 -- New York preview
February 2, 1923 -- standings
February 5, 1923 -- vs. New York, 3-3 [ASL]
Febraury 8, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 10, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 17, 1923 -- standings
February 27, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 5, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 5, 1923 -- vs. New York, 1-0 [ASL]
March 7, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 7, 1923 -- standings
March 8, 1923 -- Pennsylvania championship
March 12, 1923 -- schedule
March 14, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 15, 1923 -- standings
March 16, 1923 -- soccer notes
March 16, 1923 -- Philadelphia preview
March 19, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 19, 1923 -- vs. Philadelphia, 5-1 [ASL]
March 19, 1923 -- standings
March 19, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 20, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 21, 1923 -- New York preview
March 22, 1923 -- Kicks from the Corner
March 23, 1923 -- standings
March 26, 1923 -- standings
March 26, 1923 -- vs. New York, 2-1 [ASL]
March 27, 1923 -- Fall River preview
March 27, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 30, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 30, 1923 -- U. S. F. A. to meet
March 30, 1923 -- Fall River preview
April 2, 1923 -- vs. Fall River, 6-1 [ASL]
April 2, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 2, 1923 -- vs. Philadelphia, 1-0 [ASL]
April 3, 1923 -- Brooklyn preview
April 3, 1923 -- Paterson wins American Cup
April 9, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 9, 1923 -- vs. Brooklyn, 3-3 [ASL]
April 9, 1923 -- vs. Brooklyn, 2-0 [ASL]
April 12, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 14, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 16, 1923 -- vs. Harrison, 2-1 [ASL]; vs. Coats, 0-1 [ASL]
April 17, 1923 -- league standings
April 20, 1923 -- vs. Fall River, 1-1 [ASL]
April 23, 1923 -- vs. Philadelpha, 5-0 [ASL]
April 27, 1923 -- Harrison preview
April 30, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 30, 1923 -- vs. Harrison, 3-0 [ASL]
May 1, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 7, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 7, 1923 -- Paterson preview
May 12, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 14, 1923 -- Soccer notes
May 21, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 28, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 31, 1923 -- Coats preview
June 1, 1923 -- Coats refuses to play
June 4, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
June 11, 1923 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club