Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club -- 1928-1929
Here are some stories from the Bethlehem Globe-Times.
August 16, 1928 -- Team starts practice
August 17, 1928 -- American Soccer League schedule
August 21, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
August 23, 1928 -- Massie and Mulhall signed
August 27, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
August 28, 1928 -- soccer boosters
August 29, 1928 -- soccer notes
August 30, 1928 -- McMeekin deserts
August 31, 1928 -- Jock Marshall joins
September 4, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 4, 1928 -- vs. Newark, 5-1 [ASL]
September 5, 1928 -- Coats preview
September 6, 1928 -- Coats preview
September 10, 1928 -- vs. Coats, 5-0 [ASL]
September 11, 1928 -- soccer boosters
September 11, 1928 -- New Bedford preview
September 13, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 14, 1928 -- New Bedford preview
September 17, 1928 -- Bethlehem Steel enters National Cup against order of ASL
September 17, 1928 -- vs. New Bedford, 1-0 [ASL]
September 19, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 20, 1928 -- "We Stay In Cup"
September 20, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 20, 1928 -- 99 clubs in National Cup
September 21, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 24, 1928 -- vs. New Bedford, 1-3 [ASL]; vs. Providence, 0-3 [ASL]
September 25, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 25, 1928 -- soccer war
September 26, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 26, 1928 -- soccer war
September 26, 1928 -- boosters
September 27, 1928 -- soccer war
September 27, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
September 28, 1928 -- Giants preview
September 28, 1928 -- soccer war
September 29, 1928 -- soccer war, AP report
September 29, 1928 -- soccer war
September 29, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 1, 1928 -- vs. Giants, 3-3 [exhibition]; vs. Giants, 3-2 [exhibition]
October 2, 1928 -- new league discussed
October 3, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 4, 1928, -- U. S. F. A. suspends A. S. L.
October 4, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 9, 1928 -- new league officially formed
October 9, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 10, 1928 -- N. Y. Giants preview
October 13, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 15, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 15, 1928 -- vs. N. Y. Giants, 3-2 [ESL]; vs. Giants, 2-1 [ESL]
October 15, 1928 -- soccer news
October 22, 1928 -- vs. Newark, 5-1 [ESL]; vs. N. Y. Celtics, 4-0 [ESL]
October 24, 1928 -- soccer news
October 25, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 26, 1928 -- Southern New York Football Association quits U. S. F. A.
October 26, 1928 -- N. Y. Celtics preview
October 26, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 27, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 29, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
October 29, 1928 -- vs. N. Y. Celtics, 4-3 [ESL]
October 30, 1928 -- N. Y. Hispano preview
October 31, 1928 -- Boosters meet
November 1, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 2, 1928 -- N. Y. Hispano preview
November 3, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 5, 1928 -- vs. N. Y. Hispano, 5-1 [ESL]
November 7, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 8, 1928 -- I. R. T. Rangers and Hakoah preview
November 9, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 9, 1928 I. R. T. Rangers preview
November 12, 1928 -- vs. I. R. T. Rangers, 7-3 [ESL]; vs. Hakoah, 2-1 [ESL]
November 13, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 13, 1928 -- Eastern Penna. District Football Assoc. meets regarding soccer war
November 14, 1928 -- Newark preview
November 16, 1928 -- Newark preview
November 19, 1928 -- vs. Newark, 4-0 [ESL]
November 21, 1928 -- Three Bethlehem players jump to ASL
November 22, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 26, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
November 26, 1928 -- vs. Hakoah, 4-2 [ESL]; vs. N. Y. Hispano, 3-0 [ESL]
November 30, 1928 -- Giants preview
December 3, 1928 -- vs. Giants, 0-2 [ESL]; vs. I. R. T. Rangers, 3-1 [ESL]
December 4, 1928 -- Soccer notes
December 6, 1928 -- Centennials, Hakoah previews
December 10, 1928 -- vs. Hakoah, 8-3 [ESL]; Centennials, 7-3 [exhibition]
December 12, 1928 -- Injuries plague Bethlehem
December 17, 1928 -- vs. Hispano, 5-2 [ESL]
December 18, 1928 -- Hakoah preview
December 19, 1928 -- Injuries
December 20, 1928 -- League standings
December 24, 1928 -- vs. Hakoah, 5-2 [ESL]; Giants, 2-6 [ESL]
December 27, 1928 -- Holiday games
December 28, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 28, 1928 -- Philadelphia preview
December 28, 1928 -- FIFA supports USFA
December 29, 1928 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
December 31, 1928 -- vs. Philadelphia, 5-0 [ESL]; vs. Hispano, 6-3 [ESL]
December 31, 1928 -- Newark preview
January 1, 1929 -- Year-end review
January 3, 1929 -- Game cancelled
January 3, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 5, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 7, 1929 -- vs. Centennials, 4-2 [ESL]; vs. I. R. T. Rangers, 8-1 [ESL]
January 10, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 10, 1929 -- Finneran new goalie
January 10, 1929 -- Bethlehem clinches first half title
January 14, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 14, 1929 -- vs. Newark, 5-4 [ESL]
January 15, 1929 -- Giants preview
January 17, 1929 -- Giants preview
January 18, 1929 -- Giants preview
January 21, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 21, 1929 -- vs. Giants, 3-1 [ESL]; vs. Giants, 4-2 [ESL]
January 22, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 25, 1929 -- Rangers preview
January 26, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 28, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 30, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
January 31, 1929 -- Canton preview
February 2, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 4, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
Feburary 4, 1929 -- vs. Canton, 5-0 [National Cup, first round]
February 5, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 7, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 8, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 8, 1929 -- Hispano preview
February 11, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 11, 1929 -- vs. Hispano, 3-1 [ESL]
February 13, 1929 -- Walsh-Chevrolet preview
February 14, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 14, 1929 -- Walsh-Chevrolet preview
February 15, 1929 -- Walsh-Chevrolet preview
February 18, 1929 -- vs. Walsh-Chevrolet, 5-2 [National Cup, second round]
February 18, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 18, 1929 -- vs. I. R. T. Rangers, 1-1 [ESL]
February 21, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 23, 1929 -- vs. Hakoah, 2-2 [ESL]
February 25, 1929 -- vs. Hungaria, 3-2 [ESL]
February 27, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
February 27, 1929 -- Giants preview
February 28, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 1, 1929 -- Giants preview
March 2, 1929 -- Giants preview
March 4, 1929 -- vs. Giants, 2-2 [National Cup]
March 4, 1929 -- cup replay in Philadelphia
March 5, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 5, 1929 -- replay news
March 6, 1929 -- replay news
March 7, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 8, 1929 -- Giants preview
March 11, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 11, 1929 -- vs. Giants, 3-6 [National Cup]
March 15, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 15, 1929 -- I. R. T. Rangers preview
March 18, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 18, 1929 -- vs. I. R. T. Rangers, 4-0 [ESL]
March 20, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 20, 1929 -- New Bedford rejoins U. S. F. A.
March 22, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 23, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 25, 1929 -- vs. New Bedford, 1-2 [ESL]
March 25, 1929 -- soccer war
March 26, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 27, 1929 -- New Bedford preview
March 28, 1929 -- weekend games
March 29, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
March 29, 1929 -- New Bedford preview
April 1, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 1, 1929 -- vs. New Bedford, 3-4 [ESL]; vs. Hungaria, 3-0 [ESL]
April 2, 1929 -- vs. Lighthouse, 5-1 [exhibition]
April 4, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 4, 1929 -- notes
April 8, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 8, 1929 -- vs. Philadelphia Centennials, 4-0 [ESL]
April 10, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 11, 1929 -- Hakoah preview
April 12, 1929 -- Hakoah preview
April 13, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 15, 1929 -- vs. Hakoah, 2-2 [ESL]
April 15, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 18, 1929 -- league standings
April 19, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 19, 1929 -- Giants preview
April 20, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 22, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
April 22, 1929 -- league schedule
April 22, 1929 -- vs. I. R. T. Rangers, 4-2 [ESL]
April 22, 1929 -- vs. Giants, 3-1 [ESL]
April 24, 1929 -- New Bedford preview -- league standings
April 29, 1929 -- vs. New Bedford, 1-1 [ESL]
May 1, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 2, 1929 -- New Bedford rejoins ASL
May 3, 1929 -- team idle due to league problems
May 3, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 6, 1929 -- vs Hakoah, 2-0 [exhibition]
May 6, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 7, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 10, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 10, 1929 -- Newark preview
May 13, 1929 -- vs. New York Giants, 3-2 [ECSL]
May 13, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 14, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 16, 1929 -- End of season
May 20, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 22, 1929 -- A Swing Along Athletic Row
May 22, 1929 -- Bethlehem Steel F. C. to Chicago
May 27, 1929 -- vs. Bricklayers, 7-2 [exhibition]; Sparta, 2-0 [exhibition]
May 28, 1929 -- Preston North Ends preview
May 29, 1929 -- Bethlehem Steel Players Feted
May 31, 1929 -- vs. Hakoah, 1-2 [exhibition]
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club