Bethlehem Booster
January 2, 1919

Saturday, December 7th, Bethlehem Steel eliminated the New York Shipbuilding soccer club from the National Cup tournament. It was a tough game and hard fought, but that is what our boys like, and although they experienced some difficulty in getting by the visitor's defense, they managed to score two goals during the ninety minutes of play. New York Ship did not score.

Fisher won the toss and Ratican kicked off and we should have had a goal in the first minute of play, but our old pal, Dick Spaulding, spoiled it. Up and down the field the play went, one side shooting and then the other. Bethlehem had the most shots, however, but close ones never did count. Even penalty shots went wild. Kemp missed one and so did Butler. Two corners in rapid succession off Fletcher and Duncan looked bad for our noteds, but soon the ball was on its way up the field.

Spaulding and McLaughlin were playing in great form and broke up all efforts to settle down near goal. Fletcher gave two more corners, but Forrest and Duncan saved the scoring. Forrest soon after kicked one over the bar and Ratican missed the upright. Bethlehem was pressing hard and a well-executed play, Campbell to Butler to Forrest, who was uncovered, opened the scoring for the locals. It was a beautiful drive, impossible to save. It had taken 32 minutes to score this goal and was the only one in the first half.

The visitors rushed matters at the beginning oft he second half, but it availed them nothing, as Ferguson and Fletcher were bulwarks. Fisher tripped Pepper, but nothing came of it and the forwards executed the finest movement they had shown during the game, swing the ball across the field very cleverly.

Waltemaite conceded a corner, but Fleming's shot went behind. The visitors also forced a corner, but Jimmy Campbell cleared and Ratican took the ball up the field and crossed to Fleming, but the latter overran the ball. The second goal came after a untied effort of superior teamwork, and Campbell placed nicely to McKelvey, who beat Spaulding and sent across a wicked drive. Fleming, following up, drove the ball into the net.

The visitors sort of quit after this goal, but Bethlehem continued their attack and missed several good shots. An injury to Fletcher seriously threatened Bethlehem's goal, but the game ended without any further scoring.

The lineup:

N. Y. Shipbuilders -- Beth. Steel
Neff -- G -- Duncan
McLaughlin -- RFB -- Fletcher
Spaulding -- LFB -- Ferguson
Peters -- RHB -- Pepper
Fisher -- LHB -- Campbell
Waltemaite -- CHB -- Kirkpatrick
Robinson -- OR -- McKelsy
Kemp -- IR -- Butler
Pollit -- CF -- Ratican
Brigham -- IL -- Forrest
Peat -- OL -- Fleming
Goals -- Forrest and Fleming. Referee -- James Kerr. Linesmen -- Robinson, Shipbuilders; Morrison, Bethlehem. Time of halves -- 45 minutes.


Somebody told the Merchant Ship B that they could defeat Bethlehem Steel, and they had this idea in their beans when they came to town on Saturday, December 14th, to play in the second round of the American Cup. They were a lively crowd of young fellows and showed some real football at times, but it was a case of amateur play and professional style. Six goals to two was the final score, but the game was closer than the score indicates.

Bob Millar at the inside right for our boys was the star and played in big league style, although the field was heavy and the going hard.

Captain Campbell won the toss, the visitors kicked off, and in one minute, Whitey Fleming had scored a goal from the five-yard line, being assisted by McKelvey and Millar.

The visitors did not lose heart and soon gave Goalkeeper Duncan something to do, but soon after he saved, Fleming forced a corner, but Whalen (formerly of Bethlehem) was on the job and no score resulted. Bethlehem players were called off-side many times and this helped the visitors' spirit and they kept our defensive busy, but after twenty minutes of up and down the field play, Ratican headed the ball into the net on a pass from Fleming, who had received from McKelvey.

Bethlehem bombarded Merchants' goal for the remainder of the half, but tallied only once more, Pepper doing the trick after Forrest had been hurt and forced to retire. G. Wilson fooled the crowd and Billy Duncan by scoring for the visitors in the last few seconds of play. It was a beautiful shot.

Forrest resumed his position at the beginning of the second half and scored the fifth goal of the day after Millar scored the fourth. Fouls and off-side plays were of frequent occurrence, Bethlehem's ambitious forwards being the offenders and several good opportunities were spoiled. Ferguson made wonderful save when Duncan was completely beaten, heading the ball over the bar for a corner kick.

After thirty minutes of play G. Wilson shot for goal and Duncan fumble and before he could recover Wilson drove the ball into the net. Bethlehem monopolized the attack for the remainder of the game, but scored only one more goal, this time Georgie McKelvey did the booting after Whalen had scored a wicked shot from the toe of Millar. The line-up:

Merchant Ship -- Bethlehem
T. Whalen -- G -- Duncan
W. Gilmore -- RFB -- Wilson
J. Campbell -- LFB -- Ferguson
J. Wambach -- RHB -- Pepper
L. Taylor -- CHB -- Campbell
G. Wilson -- LHB -- Kirkpatrick
J. Wilson -- OR -- McKelvey
W. Graham -- IR -- Millar
H. Nolan -- CF -- Ratican
A. Brown -- IL -- Forrest
M. Barret -- OL -- Fleming
Goals: Fleming, Ratican, Pepper, Millar, Forrest, McKelvey, J. Wilson 2. Referee: Young. Forty-five minute halves.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club