It sure was some satisfaction to sit among the fans at the big soccer game which was staged at the Federal League Ball Park in Newark, on Sunday afternoon, May 19th. The game, from the start, was fast and scientific, and it did not take very long for the large crowd to appreciate that the Bethlehem boys outclassed the Fall River Rovers in every stage of the Game. It was fire and dash from the sound of the first whistle and Harry Ratican soon followed through and scored the first tally.
As the game proceeded, Bethlehem improved, and the Rovers continued to lose heart as they began to realize that they were completely outclassed. Shortly after the first goal, Captain Pepper executed a well-aimed shot, which netted the second tally, and from this point on there was no question as to who would win the National Cup for 1918. After a brief intermission, our boys came on the field for the second half, and very few times did the Rovers have the ball in Bethlehem's territory during this period. The physical condition of our boys was excellent, and, although the game was without doubt one of the fastest ever played in this country, all of the men came through with flying colors and were little the worse for wear after the fray was all over. In the last period, Ratican again showed himself to be equal to the task and went charging through the Rovers' defense for a second time, scoring the third and last point of the game.
Fleming and Murphy played their usual dashing game and Ferguson, Fletcher and Duncan proved a stonewall, aided by Campbell, Murray and Kirkpatrick on the front defense line.
Forest fitted in nicely with Captain Pepper and Ratican and helped to round out a perfect forward line.