The soccer season just closed has been one of the most successful in the history of the club and some enthusiasts claim that it was the banner year for soccer in Bethlehem, claming that the opposition encountered this year was exceptionally good, and now the readers of the "Booster" may well be proud of the achievements of the team, as no other team in the country can come anywhere near the record set up by the Blue and White.
The American Cup will remain at the Trophy Room of the Bethlehem Steel Company Band Hall for the third successive year, having been won three times straight and four times in the last five years. This cup has been in existence since 1884 and the record set up by the Steel Workers has been the greatest in its history.
The National Cup has now been won by the Steel Workers for the third time in four attempts and the year they failed to win they were finalists. The National Cup is the premier competition in the country, all teams of any standing in practically every State take part in it. The record of winning it three years out of four attempts stands out as the most impressive demonstration of ability ever given by any club in this country.
The National League is another competition the Steel Workers entered into, but at this time it looks as if we would have to be content with second place, as Paterson F. C. were successful in the protest entered into against a New York F. C. player, which gives them an opportunity to replay the game they lost to that club. The Steel Workers are unfortunate that they have to suffer for an infraction of the rules by another club, but that is the luck of the game, and it may be to the interest of soccer that Bethlehem does not monopolize all the honors.
Only thirteen Bethlehem players took part in the National Cup competition this year, and fourteen in the American Cup. This is another record that is hard to beat.
Seven members of the present team have taken part in the last eight finals.
Goals for Bethlehem, 108; against Bethlehem, 21.
Games won, 24; drawn, 2.
Aggregate for the last five years:
Goals for Bethlehem, 663; against, 107.
Games won, 140; lost 7; drawn, 10.
The latest news in connection with the National Soccer League is that the New York Field Club has forfeited both games to Paterson and therefore the latter team wins the race by a two-point margin over Bethlehem.