Bethlehem Booster
September 2, 1918

September is the month that will usher in the game of soccer and the familiar cry of "Boot it" will resound at the Elizabeth Avenue Athletic Field the last Saturday of this month.

Bethlehem Steel will be entered in the National Cup Tournament, the American Cup Tournament and the National League.

Both of the cup tournaments are run on the elimination play, which means one game lost and the team is barred from further participation in the tournament.

Bethlehem has signed all of last year's squad of national champions, and will add a few more. Lancaster, a fullback from the Ben Millers, of St. Louis, is now employed in the plant and will try for a position. Jack Lance, who has changed from a forward line man to a fullback of prominence, has also affixed his name to a contrat. Neil Clark, conceded to be one of the best halfbacks in the United States, is now in the employee of the Shipbuilding Corporation, and his many friends hope to see him in action with the Steel men. Parkinson is another shipworker who will be given a trial, as will Antonio Barlocca, a center halfback, who has played in Uruguay and Argentine Republic and is now working at DXM.

Toot the whistle and kick off. We are all ready.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club