Soccer as well as all other sports are under the ban of the influenza epidemic, closed gates order and the players are becoming more or less stale as a result of their active training, which must be kept up.
A practice game in which most of the regulars, a few old-timers, several comers and some substitutes participated was staged at Camp Crane on Sunday, October 20th, for the benefit of the soldier boys. The War Camp Community Service heads asked for the exhibition and the boys were glad to help entertain the boys in uniform, who heartily appreciated their efforts and were glad to see the champions of the United States in action.
The teams lined up as follows:
Blue -- Pos. -- Red
Duncan -- Goal -- Roth
Fletcher -- R.F.B. -- Wilson
Ferguson -- L.F.B. -- Whitson
Easton -- R.H.B. -- Trotter
Campbell -- C.H.B. -- Morrison
Butler -- L.H.B. -- Parkinson
McKelvey -- O.R. -- Heath
Young -- I.R. -- Dixon
Ratican -- C.F. -- Lance
Graham -- H.L. -- Todd
Fleming -- O.L. -- Lyons
Referee -- Carpenter. Goals scored -- Ratican 2, Fleming.