There were many soccer fans and some players who entertained the hope that our boys would go through the season without being scored upon, but a picked team from Toronto, Canada, scored one little goal on Sunday, November 17th, and marred the record. The occasion was a game for the benefit of the United War Work Campaign, and although a steady rain fell all day, 4000 persons witnessed the contest.
Harry Ratican, crackerjack center forward, was out of the game owing to recent illness, but "Mudhorse" Easton took his place and covered himself with glory and mud. Graham also got in the game at left half-back and gave a good account of himself.
A report of the game follows:
Bethlehem won the toss and Forsythe kicked off. The visitors immediately made tracks for Duncan, but Fletcher and Ferguson pulled them up short. Bethlehem returned the ball with some fine combination, Fleming, Pepper and McKelvey being very conspicuous. The game was only fifteen minutes old when McKelvey opened the scoring with a shot which gave Halliwell no chance to save. Stung by this reverse, the visitors bore down upon Duncan in great style, but Fletcher relieved with a huge kick.
The Canadians returned the ball and Fletcher kicked, which let in Jackson. The little outside left had only Duncan to beat, but he shot just past the post, missing an easy chance to equalize the score. McKelvey sent a high shot which Halliwell tipped over the bar and from the resultant corner, Forrest headed the second goal. Half time arrived with the steel workers leading by 2 to 0.
At the interval the Canadians attacked in great earnest, but were forced back. In spite of the sodden state of the ground, the ball traveled up and down the field rapidly. The visitors stuck to their work and were soon hovering around Duncan. Ferguson handled in the dreaded area and a penalty was awarded the Canadians, but Duncan easily saved Fidler's shot. McKelvey obtained possession and putting across a fine center, Forest had no difficulty in scoring the third goal from Fleming's pass. Jackson got the ball from the kick off and made a bee line for Duncan. Fletcher met his shot, which rebounded off the outside left through the goal. This success put new life into the Toronto boys and the game livened up considerably. Bethlehem made their fourth goal through Fleming from a scramble in the goal mouth, whistle blowing soon after with the score Bethlehem 4, Toronto 1.
Bethlehem S. C. -- Positions -- Canadians
Duncan -- Goal -- Halliwell
Fletcher -- Right back -- Yates
Ferguson -- Left back -- Dierden
Kirkpatrick -- Right half -- Acourt
Campbell -- Center forward -- Worrall
Graham -- Left halfback -- Brown
McKelvey -- Outside right -- Anderson
Pepper -- Inside right -- Hamilton
Easton -- Center forward -- Forsythe
Forrest -- Inside left -- Fidler
Fleming -- Outside left -- Jackson
Referee -- H. Dale, Paterson, N. J. Linesmen -- A. Lauri, Newark and C. Ward, Passaic. Goals -- For Bethlehem, Forrest, 2; McKelvey and Fleming; for Canada, Jackson. Time of halves -- 45 minutes each.