Bethlehem Booster
December 16, 1918

Bethlehem Steel defeated the All-Star Canadian team by a score of 2 goals to nothing at the Toronto University Stadium, on Saturday, November 30th, before a crowd of 10,000 people. The ground was covered with two inches of snow. A brilliant exhibition of soccer was given, despite the slippery footing. The first half of the game was about even. In the second half the team work and physical condition of the Steel Workers began to tell, and they bombarded the Canadians' goal most of the time.

Bethlehem won the toss and Herring set the game in motion. Campbell got possession and placed to Forrest. Fleming was called up for offside and the Canadians looked dangerous, but Ferguson cleared and Forrest shot past, from an individual effort. The Canadian right wing showed clever football and Brown shot past when well placed. Bethlehem forced a corner by Fleming's placement. A foul against Acourt looked good for Bethlehem, but Ratican headed over the bar. A clever movement by the Canadian forward ended in Forsyth just missing the upright. The Canucks were now working hard and Duncan was called upon to save the shots from Herring and Hamilton. The pressure was relieved by a foul being given against Barron and the Steel Workers took up the attack and shots from Butler, Campbell and Forrest were well handled by Halliwell.

The Canadians again attacked and Herring shot past. Fleming was called up for offside, but Ferguson returned the kick. A foul against Worrell looked dangerous for Canada. Two corners in rapid succession followed. The first was cleared and McKelvey put the second behind the post. A this stage the Canadians made a desperate effort to score and the enthusiasm of the spectators was at a high pitch, but the Bethlehem defense was brilliant and weathered the storm and, despite every effort, the Canucks were driven back to their own territory. Shots from McKelvey and Ratican were well handled by Halliwell, and half time arrived with the team battling on even terms.

The Steel Workers realized that nothing but their best would land a victory, and they set to work with a determination which could not be denied. The Canadians' defense went through a strenuous session in the first ten minutes, but Campbell and Brownlee were playing a great game at fullback and they repeatedly blocked well-directed shots. A foul against Forrest looked bad for Bethlehem, but Fletcher cleared and the Bethlehem right wing bore down on Halliwell. McKelvey crossed beautifully and Ratican just missed the upright. At this stage of the game the Canadians began to show signs of distress and Bethlehem sent shots from all angles, but Halliwell was brilliant and stopped many shots that looked as if they would find the net. Two more corners were forced by Bethlehem and on the second one Ratican got possession and shot hard for goal, but Halliwell saved and Forrest following up drove the ball into the net from close range. Time, twenty-two minutes. This success seemed to be all that was necessary to warm the Steel Workers to their well-known game, and the spectators were treated to a clever display of soccer. The Canucks were swept back toward their own goal, and only by brilliant defensive work were they able to prevent several well-directed shots from reaching the net. With ten minutes to go, Forrest got possession and finding McKelvey unmarked, passed the ball to him and he made the score 2 to nothing with an unbeatable shot.

The Canadians made a desperate effort to score after this reverse, but the Bethlehem halfbacks broke up the attack. Once more Halliwell was the center of attention, but despite all efforts to increase the score the defense held out. And what was admitted by officials and spectators alike to be the most brilliant game ever seen in Canada ended in the defeat of the home club by the score of two goals to nothing. The receipts of the game went to the War Work Fund.

The line-up:
All-Canadians. -- Bethlehem
Halliwell -- G -- Duncan
Campbell -- R.F.B. -- Fletcher
Brownlee -- L.F.B. -- Ferguson
Acourt -- R.H.B. -- Kirkpatrick
Worrell -- C.H.B. -- Campbell
Brown -- L.H.B. -- Pepper
Barron -- O.R. -- McKelvey
Hamilton -- I.R. -- Butler
Herring -- C.F. -- Ratican
Forsyth -- I.L. -- Forrest
Jackson -- O.L. -- Fleming
Goals -- Forest, 1; McKelvey, 1. Referee -- Banks.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club