To insure the players being in the best of condition for the cup tie at Forbes Field today, the Bethlehem team reached Pittsburgh last night, and about 150 of its supporters left South Bethlehem last night en route for the games.
The lineup of the both teams includes many names of celebrated players who made good reputations in Britain and who are equally prominent and effective here. H. E. Lewis, Bethlehem’s inside right, will be remembered as the famous Dravosburg quarterback.
Today’s lineup will be:
Marshall – Goal -- Love
Blackwood – Right Back -- McKelvey
Howe – Left Back -- Peacock
Beadling – Right Half -- Stewart
Kelly – Center Half -- Morrison
Whyte – Left Half -- Lawler
Anderson – Outside Right -- Galbraith
Rathay – Inside Right – Lewis
Stevenson – Center -- Lance
Lowther – Inside Left -- Donaghy
McCann – Outside Left -- Fleming
Braddock has seven Scotchmen, one Englishman and three American-born lads on its team. Bethlehem’s nationality being as follows: Five Scotch, three Irish, one English, one Welsh and one native-born players.
Marshall and McKelvey, opponents t his afternoon recently played together on the Moss and Hibs (Scotland) team.
The gates will open at 2 p.m., and Referee Wilson will start the ball rolling at 3 o’clock.