A big bunch of rooters under the leadership of Geo. W. Busch will be on hand at the Lehigh University stadium to root for the H. S. W. soccer team in their great game on Saturday with South Bethlehem. The rooters will dine the local team and committee, immediately after the game in the Sun hotel; after which the rooters will entrain for Philadelphia, thence to Atlantic City to take part in the great Board Walk parade.
The soccer players have invitations to nearly all the theaters in Allentown and Bethlehem, but they intend after spending two hours in South Bethlehem, to get back to Harrisburg, where a great reception is planned for them.
All the players are in good condition and will make the Eastern team go the limit to take this game, and judging from the tone of the Eastern papers, even they are not sure of getting in the final. This will certainly be the goal for the championship, as the winners of this game will almost certainly land the final game. The local team will leave on the P. N. & C. at the Union Station at 8:50 tonight.