From all accounts lack of form more than anything else was the cause of the local’s downfall, they being forced to lay around the hotel in Bethlehem more than two days owing to bad weather causing them to go stale. At the opening of the game they showed a lot of speed and were the first to score but as the game progressed they showed signs of tiring and the longer the game went the more they became outclassed, Bethlehem’s combination work being great. The locals are willing to admit that the best team of the day won, and they gave the victors all the credit due them, but they still think they are just as good as Bethlehem and will ask for another chance to prove it and will invite them here for a return game later on, but this game will have no bearing on the National Cup Tie. Bethlehem won the right to play for the cup in the final yesterday and Homestead fans would like to see them win it.
Lineup in yesterday’s game:
Homestead 1 – Bethlehem 4
Brown – Goal – Duncan
Henney – Right Back -- Fletcher
Howe – Left Back -- Toole
Hulme – Right Half -- Campbell
Lumsden – C. Half -- Clarke
Leith – Left Half -- Morrison
Crawler – outside right – Ford
Young – inside right – Murray
Ratray – Center -- Millar
Lowther – Inside Left -- Pepper
Patterson – O. Left -- Fleming
Summary: Goals – Ford 3, Fleming. Penalty – Young. Referee – E. Smithson, New York.