The Bethlehem, Pa. soccer team came to Gillespie Monday and met the local eleven in a game which resulted in a defeat for the Gillespie team four goals to 0. The eastern stars, in perfect condition had just trimmed the best All-star combinations that St. Louis could muster in games on Saturday and Sunday, and showed that they had a real combination of fast clever soccer players whose main strength is in the close teamwork which is so necessary for success in almost any sport.
Gillespie had augmented their team with several St. Louis players, as some of the stars of the original 1923-24 team had left. During the first half Bethlehem, while always threatening was held scoreless, due to good work on the part of Hand and King and goalie McKechan. In the second half however, McKechan was injured, his hip being dislocated and Alex Easton took his place. In this half, the shooting of the B stars which had been somewhat erratic became more certain and Alex unable to stop the veritable barrage that was directed at him and four times did the lads from the east boot the ball through the uprights into the net.
The defense of the Bethlehem team was fine. Several times the Gillespie forward line would bring the ball within scoring distance only to find their efforts voided by the fine work of the backs and the goalie, who at all times seemed to be right in front of the ball.
The game was a fine exhibition of soccer. Bethlehem lived up to their reputation, but we firmly believe that if the team that Gillespie had at the time of their elimination from the National Cup contest had been able to stick together and get the same amount of practice as did the eastern team the result would have been a great deal different.