The Globe - South Bethlehem
Friday, January 2, 1914 - Page 8
Local Soccer Champions Add Another Victory to Long List.

The Bethlehems soccer team yesterday defeated the strong Reading team by the score of 1-0 in a First Division Allied American League game on the Lauer's Park, Reading. The weather was ideal for soccer and with the ground quite free of snow, a fast game was assured. Before the kick-off, President Judd, Reading, presented the Bethlehems team with four handsome corner flags, in Blue and White, the Bethlehems colors, as a token of the good friendship that exists between the two clubs and with the hope that the same would continue. Captain Peacock on behalf of the Bethlehems team, thanked the Reading Club for its generous gift and stated that while he hoped that Bethlehems would land the championship, he hoped that Reading would finish second. The game started with a rush and with the Bethlehems forwards combining nicely they were soon bombarding the Reading goal, but Carter, the Reading goalkeeper, was "on the job," and it was not until thirty minutes' play that Lance scored the first and only goal of the game. This seemed to wake Reading to renewed effort and encouraged by the shots of its supporters it tried to get to the Bethlehems' goal, but soon found that it was no easy matter to get by the sound defense. At this point, Fleming was injured and had to leave the game, but he went back again in the second half, but on account of the big game on Sunday, the Bethlehem players took no chances in the second half and were content to keep Reading from scoring. The team will training tonight in the Lehigh gymnasium at 7:45 p.m., and arrangements have been made to leave on the 7:53 excursion to New York on Sunday. Quite a number of rooters are going along and the Bethlehems team are prepared to play the West Hudsons to a standstill. The line-up:

Reading - Positions - Bethlehem
Carter - G -- Scaife
Hubbard -- R.F.B. -- McKeley Taylor -- L.F.B. -- Peacock
Downing -- R.H.B. -- Stewart
Beech -- C.H.B. -- Black
Whire -- L.H.B. -- Lawler
Monk -- O.R. -- Garvey
Mullrooney -- I.R. -- Donaghy
Noon -- C.F. -- Lance
Spice -- I.L. -- Morrison
Burns -- O.L -- Fleming
Linesmen: Galbraith and Duddy. Goals, by Lance. Referee, J. Kerr. Time of halves, 40 minutes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club