The Globe -- South Bethlehem
January 2, 1917
Tom Cahill One of the Nation's Greatest Soccer Authorities Confers Coveted Title.

Tom Cahill, one of America's greatest soccer enthusiasts thinks Neil A. Clarke, of the champion Bethlehem Steel company soccer team, the king of center halfbacks. Following the recent visit of the local team to the West, the St. Louis Times published the following:

Stars of today and the past in soccer were discussed by Cahill during his visit. He went far back in praising the heroes and picked out John Finnegan of St. Louis, for his argument. Finnegan for years won the nickname of "King" because at center halfback he was hailed the peer of his position and according to Cahill "King" wore the crown until Clarke of Bethlehem came along.

"The only player who steps in front of "King" Finnegan in my opinion is Clarke, who played here with Bethlehem," remarked Cahill. "We all know what a marvel John was, but I believe Clarke is a bit better than "King." Clarke surpasses Finnegan in reaching a ball with his head. In Clarke we have the greatest center half soccer has produced in years and years."

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club