The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, January 2, 1918
Soccer Notes

The Disston management and fans expect great things from Lynch their aggressive center forward in Saturday's National Cup game against the Steel Workers at Tacony, but the Bethlehem management have just as much confidence in the ability of Center half "Jimmy" Campbell to take good care of the Disston star.

McAndrews at outside right is another player on whom Disston fans are banking their hope, but if Kirkpatrick, the Steel Workers' left half back takes as good care of him on Saturday as he did on Christmas Day, Disston fans are due for a disappointment.

Murphy at outside right for the Steel Workers is probably the fastest player in the position in the east, on present form, and either Spalding or Small will have to step lively to hold him Saturday.

The ability of the three Bethlehem inside men, Pepper, Ratican, and Easton, to adapt to themselves to the style of play of the opposing defense is a great asset to the Steel Workers. Any unnecessary attentions so often given to visiting teams, are never taken with the other cheek theory, they usually return said attention with interest.

Tommy Fleming's goal scoring average is a little below par at present, but Tommy's left foot drive is still the most dangerous shot in soccerdom, and quite a few timely goals are bound to come from it before the season is over.

Tommy Murray's trick of sliding under an opponent for the ball when apparently beaten prevents many a breakaway of the opposition.

The mutual understanding between Duncan, Fletcher and Ferguson is probably the best in the National League. Fletcher and Ferguson cover one another splendidly and Duncan thoroughly understands the methods of either player.

The Red Cross game in New York, scheduled for yesterday, in which five Bethlehem players, Murray, Ferguson, Campbell, Pepper and Fleming were scheduled to take part, was postponed on account of unfavorable weather conditions.

Veteran F. C. Association football team and the Hibernians gave a couple of hundred soccer enthusiasts a chance to see the kicking style of football play on a snow-covered field on Fairhill grounds, Philadelphia, yesterday with the mercury at 16 degrees. The game was well played, Veterans winning 4 to 2. In addition to he snow there were crusts of ice along the side lines, and in front of the aster goal, as well as at other sections of the field, gave the group of spectators gathered it he stand a chance to laugh occasionally as falls by players were frequent. The youth of a majority of players caused no ill effects of a slip, slide or fall, but it only required a few minutes of running across the snow to show the players that they would have to be careful in their play or accidents would occur.

The Disston soccer team yesterday defeated U. G. I., 2 goals to 1, in an Industrial League contest , which was also a benefit game for Elsesser of the Disston eleven, who broke his leg in a game about two months ago.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club