The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, January 2, 1922
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Would Have Soccer Cup Tourney Revived
Several clubs, particularly in the American Soccer League, which is the strongest and best balanced circuit in the country, deplore the action of the United States Football Association, at its annual meeting, says Levi Wilcox in the Philadelphia Inquirer today, in adopting the rule whereby only cup competitions in the future would be permitted in their respective states. Of course, this rule did not ban the parent body from continuing just the same, but it paved the way for such a well known cup competition as the one conducted by the American Football Association to be delegated to the ash heap, at least while the present rule is on the statue books. The American Cup competition was eliminated under the new rule because it operated in other states, inasmuch as a number of clubs from this state, New York and New England entered the tourney every year. Had there been sufficient clubs operating in New Jersey to have still continued its successful career it would have operated just the same under the new rule. This A. F. A. Cup tourney had become a national institution in the East. From time immemorial dating back a number of years before the organization of the United States Football Association was even hinted at, the American Cup competition fostered and developed soccer in this country with its lose and out plan competition, which always brought together the leading teams in this section of the country. Even when the National Cup competition was formed and at the time the U. S. of A. assumed the governing control of soccer football in t his country, the A. F. A. continued without in the least distracting from the prestige of the National tourney. Each competition proved successful and as those connected with the A. F. A. were always willing to be recognized as part and parcel of the United States Association by sending a delegate to its meetings, everything seemed running as smoothly as if on six cylinders. There are many magnates who have been interested in soccer for the last decade who are of the opinion that the elimination of the American Cup competition has not helped develop the game in the least. It is even hinted that owing to A. F. A. entries being mostly rival Eastern teams that the games were not only more interesting than those played in the National Cup competition so far this season, but were better supported in the box office. Be that as it may, there seems ample room in the East for such a competition as the A. F. A. conducted. Had the A. F. A. magnates been as progressive as those behind the United States Football Association, the A. F. A. would now have been the controlling body in the country. Instead, they were amply satisfied even when they had the field all to themselves to limit entries to Eastern teams for the purpose of saving time and traveling expenses as much as possible. The progressed along these lines and when talk of forming the present National Association was first broached, the A. F. A. magnates were anxious and willing to be part and parcel of the U. S. of A. There is some talk, however, among those who have the interest of the game at heart to make an effort to have the rule rescinded prohibiting cup tourneys with the exception of the National only in their respective states. Already a number of clubs even outside of the American Church are willing to support such a rule for the express purpose of once again having the opportunity of entering the American Cup competition.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club