The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, January 2, 1922

It is rumored that Andy Wilson, the great center forward who played with Third Lanark, is making preparations to come to this country in the near future. It is also stated that he intends playing with one of the clubs in the American League.

James W. Walders, secretary of the United States Referees' Union and also manager of the Philadelphia F. C. was presented with a diamond stickpin for services rendered as secretary. The presentation was made a few days ago by Walter E. Hinds, who is treasurer of the National Referees' organization.

Hardy, Burnett and Percy Andrews all well-known players of other days locally, were in New York's lineup when the Gothamite faced the Phillies this afternoon in the American League series.

That must have been a unique experience for George Young, the Philadelphia whistle tooter, when he was handled rather roughly by the followers of the Disston Steel De Paul last Monday morning at Disston Ball Park.

When the American League or the National Cup Committee desire capable referees for one of their important games it would be advisable to give Philadelphia a trial. At lest it would be better than going down East and engaging such experiments as Mr. Carroll, who made such a mess of handling the Todd's-Phillies cup match last Monday.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club