Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Thursday, January 2, 1930
Former Revamped Eastern Leaguers Come Here for Saturday Games as Bridgeport.

Disappointed by defeat, the New Year's Day soccer game played here in which Hakoah subdued the Steelmen by the score of 2 to 1 was not without its balm for the game was witnessed by the largest turnout of sportsmen this season. The Jewish players had supporters in great numbers and with a Hungarian aggregation here on Saturday to test Bethlehem in its next game a big turnout of fellow countrymen is expected to root for the visitors. Some hundred Hakoah fans came to Bethlehem to witness the game, making the trip here in three big buses.

While the start of the New Year in the league race was anything but auspicious the players checked in at the club house after the contest more determined than ever to make amends for the setback and determined to resume the sensational winning gait which had been their lost in the two previous games.

As a result the Bridgeport team which was formerly the Hungarian F. C., before assuming the Connecticut franchise, and a team which is mainly made up of Hungarian players, is apparently in for a warm reception.

The former Eastern leaguers have been much revamped since the visits here as an Eastern Soccer League club and most of the players representing the team are imported luminaries, players who starred in their native country and quite a few who gained distinction as internationalists.

The brand of soccer dispensed by the Bridgeport Club is similar tot hat of Hakoah in which the players resort more exclusively to scientific play, a style developed in the old country and one in which the clever passing and liberal distribution of play bodes ill for any defense.

Reputed as a well balanced team the visitors possibly possess the most strength at and around the pivot position on the forward line. The dashing, aggressive and dangerous goal getting Andy Stevens, who starred for New Bedford and the New York Giants, is stationed at center forward and with the speedy Stevens in scoring mood he is a player hard to check.

Stevens is ably supported at the inside position with a brace of players who are reputed to rank foremost among the importations of more recent date. They are Szentmikloy and Pipa, inside forward, both clever a bundle of speed and possessing good shots.

Bethlehem's revised defense in which McGregor and Finlayson have been playing the fullback positions, will no doubt have plenty of work and it is hoped that McGregor, the Bethlehem captain, will be able to play in the Saturday game. A leg injury slowed up the Bethlehem leader in the game against Hakoah. While painful the full extent of the injury has not been determined and it will be pending the response to the treatment whether or not he will be able to play against Hungarians.

Johnny Walders, of Philadelphia, has been assigned to handle the game and will be assisted by Fred Pepper and J. H. Carpenter, the linesmen.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club