Manager Bedford of the Disston soccer team states that the grounds are in excellent condition for the third round national cup game at Tacony tomorrow and interest in the game is of a high order. Both the Disston management and team are aware of the fact that to defeat Bethlehem in the national cup will be the greatest soccer achievement of the season, so that the Steel Workers can be prepared to encounter the greatest opposition they have been up against to date. The Disston victory in the league game at Tacony will undoubtedly help the morale of the Disston team, but the Steel Workers seem to have found themselves since that date, having defeated the Sawmakers both in the Red Cross game on Dec. 8 and the league game here on Dec. 25, so that Bethlehem ought to have the edge as far as confidence is concerned.
The Bethlehem Steel team will leave the Union station at 8:45 tomorrow morning, the following players making the trip: Duncan, Fletcher, Ferguson, Murray, Campbell, Kirkpatrick, Murphy, Pepper, Ratican, Easton, Fleming, Morrison, McKelvey, Butler and Trainer Stark.