Quaker Scribe With Bethlehem
The action of Federal Ship in postponing the game with Bethlehem on Saturday at the last minute, has aroused the ire of soccer critics throughout the east. These prophets who are working hard for the advancement of the sport, cite the Federals actions as a mean trick. One Philadelphia scribe commenting on the proposed game says:
"Speaking of Bethlehem, that was a raw deal handed them Saturday when Federal Ship of Newark, N. J., failed to show up for their fourth round in the American Cup competition with the champions. Federal should not only lose the game, but they should be held to account and a fine plastered on them for their unsportsmanlike action."
It might be well if reference had also been made to the fact that this was the second postponement in two weeks, the other coming on Christmas Day when the champions were slated to meet Merchants in a National League game. Merchants are practically recognized as a Philadelphia aggregation and committed even a more glaring violation. Not only did the Merchant crowd call off their game in Bethlehem at the last minute, but went one better by staging an exhibition game in Philadelphia when they should have been here.
Bethlehem Conquerors in Grueling Game
The New York F. C., conqueror of the Bethlehem F. C., in a National League game, moved nearer the coveted honors of National champions yesterday afternoon at New York when the team defeated the Erie A. A., of Newark, N. J. The latter also took the measure of the Bethlehem clan in a National League game this season. The New Yorkers scored 2 goals to their opponents 1.
Robins Again Win on Holiday Jaunt
Following their game yesterday, Robins Dry Dock, the leading soccer aggregation in the National League, were two up in the series of games being played on the Holiday tour. The Robins were pitted against the Ben Miller's, recognized as the strongest soccer clan in the middle west, and won by the score of 4 goals to 2. Like in the opening game of the season, two former Bethlehem players brought the team through victorious. "Bob" Millar gave the Robins their first lead in the game and Harry Ratican earned the fourth goal by carrying from the center line, dribbling and shooting out of the goal keepers reach. Some game when Bethlehem and Robins clash.