The star of the Bethlehem team on the St. Louis trip was Wilson at full-back, the St. Louis bustling attack had little effect on him and he will be a hard man to keep on the sidelines in future games.
Miller and Butler showed good head work and aggressiveness in the first two games and the St. Louis fans were greatly impressed with their playing. Butler was unable to play in the third game on account of injury, and Miller was too well watched to do anything of a sensational order.
Duncan played a good game for Bethlehem in goal and only once in the series was his judgment at fault, the second goal in the last game being misjudged by him, and the St. Louis forwards did not give time to recover.
Jimmy Campbell's absence at center half-back was a great handicap to Bethlehem and the champions would probably have won all three games if he had been able to take his regular position. St. Louis fans were anxious to see him in t he line-up and no one was more disappointed than Campbell himself. He was forced to witness the games from the sidelines.
Ratican played a good game at center forward in the first two games, but was well covered in the final game by Zarche, the St. Louis center half.
McKelvey and Forrest were clever on the right wing, but McKelvey's anxiety to boot when a cross was the logical thing to do greatly marred his effectiveness.
The St. Louis forward line is easily the fastest in the country. What they lack in soccer science they make up for in speed and aggressiveness and [ . . . ] on the part of any defense is fatal when that fearless line is on the [ . . .].
Three penalty kicks from each of which a goal was scored was an unusual feature of the first match of the second round of the Shipyard League series at Philadelphia, in which Manager Jack Connolly's reconstructed Hog Island team beat Pusey & Jones' team by 5 goals to 1.
Merchant B team defeated the Sun Ship eleven, 5 to 0, in a Delaware River Shipyard League soccer match, played at Chester. Sun Ship in the first half held the visitors to two hard-earned goals.
Referee James Walder, who is to officiate in the National League soccer game between Merchant A and the New York F. A. teams on the Harriman (Pa.) grounds, after inspecting the field announced that it was not in condition to permit the playing of the game announced.
In a National League game staged at Olympic Park, Paterson, Paterson beat the improved Babcock & Wilcox soccer team by 2 to 1.