Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Monday, January 6, 1930
A Swing Along Athletic Row

An Undefeated Invader
One may have lost count of how many consecutive victories Fall River hung up since the start of the Atlantic Coast Soccer League but it is an established fact that the Marksmen are an undefeated eleven, a distinction no other club in the same loop can boast of. Fall River has waded through the ranks of mighty and weak, bowling them over with startling rapidity in aiming for the first championship to be doled out in this new circuit and unless the stride is soon checked Fall River will have the old gonfalon sewed up long before the schedule is completed Of great interest to home town patrons and equally as significant to players sporting the Blue and the White of the Bethlehem club is the warfare to be waged on Lehigh field next Saturday afternoon when Fall River makes its appearance in this city. In analyzing comparative scores it is found that the Steel City booters on their last invasion to Fall River, not so many weeks ago, tossed the biggest threat experienced by the Marksmen this season. Leading 3 to 1 up to the closing minutes of play, Fall River spurted a rally to earn a three goal draw. For action, aggressiveness and clever soccer played with reckless abandon and typical of cup clashes, this game promises to be the highlight of the local soccer season.

Heckling Referees
Johnny Walders, of frail physique but with the courage of a Samson and heart as stout as leather, is one of the bona fide officials of big league soccer. And as such he has more than once proven his capabilities. Johnny calls them as he seems them and as an arbiter has the courage to abide by his convictions. Sometimes the sailing is not very smooth and the past weekend especially happened to be another stormy voyage for the Philadelphia soccer umpire. Here on Saturday for the Bethlehem-Bridgeport game, Walders was frequently harassed in his work by the vigorous protests of the visitors, the temperamental Hungarians giving vent to their disapproval of some decisions with words and gesticulations that more than once threatened a riot. But Walders stuck to his guns and the game passed off without any violent incidents. Again on Sunday, refereeing a game in Philadelphia in the Pennsylvania Soccer League, the fearless Walders called them as he saw them much to the dissatisfaction of one of the principals. Again he was the target of much verbal abuse and threatened with bodily injury. Unable to quell the disturbance Walders had the courage to call off the game after twenty-nine minutes of battling in the second half and Walders off the field unscathed. A few more officials of Walders type in big league soccer, the kind that cannot be intimidated and render decisions regardless of whom it may hurt, would do the game no harm.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club