The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, January 7, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Soccer Rivals Remain Deadlocked
A penalty kick on which a goal was realized prevented the Bethlehem Steel soccer team from establishing a substantial lead in the American Soccer League race. A victory over Fall River on Sunday afternoon would have given the Bethlehems a good lead, which after all at t his stage of the campaigning is quite some lead. Instead, however, the bitter rivals which for the last several weeks have been deadlocked for the league lead, remain the same this morning. However, Bethlehem has completed its first New England invasion and in regards to home fields the rivals will entertain each once more on their respective lots before the season closes. After defeating Pawtucket on Saturday afternoon Bethlehem boosted its lead by two points. Fall River, with one more game played than Bethlehem remained idle and no doubt benefited materially by this rest before a hard game. As to the number of games played, the total between the two leading clubs is now equal and in the summary it is noticed that Fall River has slightly the advantage in that but one game was lost while Bethlehem experienced defeat twice in league campaigning. However, Fall River has four draw games to Bethlehem's two, which equalizes the total number of points garnered thus far this season. The standing of the two teams after Sunday's game follows:





Goals For

Goals Against


Bethlehem Steel







Fall River







Adds More Interest To the Cup Final
The neck to neck race between Bethlehem Steel and Fall River can but serve to add far greater interest to the Eastern final of the National Cup competition in which it is pretty strongly forecast that these teams will be the actors in that important event. Unless the Steel Workers drop dead or mutiny invades their ranks, the team should have no great trouble in capturing the semi-final round against Newark F. C. which will be played in Philadelphia on January 26. The same applies to Fall River which team already eliminated J & P Coats, the most formidable in the bracket of that section. The rivalry and interest apparent between these two teams was glaringly manifest in yesterday's game when five thousand spectators braved the chills of zero temperature to see them wage battle. In all likelihood the final will be played on the Polo Grounds, New York, and with half decent weather it is safe to predict that a new record for attendance will be established in the annals of soccer in the Metropolitan district.


Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club