All is ready for the big game tomorrow. East End field has been cleaned and rolled, a rope fence has been put around the playing pitch, the bleachers have been cleaned and several tons of clean sawdust and shavings spread on the field for the comfort of the spectators. The whole presents a clean appearance, seldom seen this time of year. Both teams are reported to be at full strength and on edge for the game. The gates will be opened at 2 p.m. sharp and the game will be called promptly at 2:45 p.m. Two 45-minute halves must be played and the winner will enter the semi-final of the great American Soccer championship competition, the loser to drop out of the competition. The advance sale of tickets indicate a record crowd. Preparations have been made to accommodate 3000 to 4000 persons. There will be many Philadelphia, Newark and New York soccer officials as well as soccer enthusiasts from Allentown, Easton, Bangor and other nearby towns. Holyoke team is ranked with the leading soccer teams of the country. It has won the championship of western New England five years in succession and is also holder of the Murray challenge cup of Massachusetts. It claims to have a still better team this year than last. The probable line-up of both teams follows:
Holyoke - Bethlehem
Turner - G -- Scaife
Burnett - R.F.B. -- Murray
Hardmann - L.F.B. -- Lance
Moodie - R.H.B. -- Campbell
Gammie - C.H.B.-- Clarke
McKestrie - L.H.B. -- Morrison
Arnold - O.R. -- Ford
Watson - I.R. -- Pepper
Farrell - C.F. -- Millar
Hall - I.L. -- Graham
Dowdall - O.L. -- Fleming