The Globe -- South Bethlehem
January 8, 1917
National Soccer Champion Eliminates Brooklyn Celtic, 3-1.
Field is Heavy

Bethlehem Steel, National and American Soccer champion, Saturday eliminated Brooklyn Celtic in the second round of the National Cup competition, 3-1. The game was played on the new Bethlehem Steel company's field, which the rains of the last few days left in a heavy and treacherous condition, and which made fast playing and fine combination work impossible.

The visitors proved one of the most formidable teams that opposed the National champions on the home field this season. The Celtics showed fine bursts of speed at times. During the first half, Bethlehem had four tries at goal only one proving successful, while the visitors had two, Duncan saving each time.

In the second half the Celtics scored on the only good chance they had, while Bethlehem sent shot after shot, nine in all, toward the Celtics' goal, Tintle saving all but two.

Bethlehem forced four corner kicks, one in the first period and three in the second, two of the later being converted into goals. Bethlehem in the first half was guilty of offside playing nine times to their opponents three. In the second half the visitors evened up with Bethlehem in committing offenses, each having six.

The Celtics won the toss and started aggressive work with the sun and wind at their backs. It soon was seen that both teams had to resort to short kicks and combination work to make any advance. Bethlehem's first real chance at scoring came nine minutes after the game started, when on a breakaway, Fleming secured the ball and shaking off several Celtic players, booted it straight toward the visitor's goal. The ball was stopped, but glanced from the goal keeper's hands. In a scrimmage that followed Fleming planted the ball behind the posts. Bethlehem's first goal infused new life into the visitors, but the spurt was short-lived.

Towards the close of the first half Bethlehem sent no less than five shots towards the Celtics goal without success, Tintle or the backs saving each time. The first half ended with the score 1-0, in Bethlehem's favor.

On the restart, Bethlehem attacked fiercely, and quickly rushed the ball dangerously close to the visitors' goal, Tintle saving. Soon thereafter Bethlehem forced a corner, Fleming kicking and Pepper heading the ball into the net. Ratican sent several savage shots toward the Celtics' goal, but Tintle saved each time. Bethlehem secured its third goal, when a corner was forced, Fleming kicking the ball to Kirkpatrick who aimed it at the net. In attempting to save, McGreevy headed the ball into his own net.

Bethlehem continued to press hard, three shots going wild. The Celtics backs played a heroic game and finally forced a corner, which produced no tally. A second try was saved by Duncan. Just four minutes before the final whistle blew, Lennon secured the ball and sent a beautiful cross-shot for the visitor's only goal, which caught Duncan napping.

For the Celtics, Goalkeeper Tintle, Bustard and Parker and the fullbacks gave an excellent account of themselves. For Bethlehem, Ratican, Pepper, Fleming, Kirkpatrick, Ferguson, Fletcher and Campbell did excellent work.

Brooklyn -- Bethlehem
Tintle -- G -- Duncan
Kelly -- R. F. B. -- Fletcher
Ferguson -- L. F. B. -- Ferguson
Stark -- R. H. B. -- Murray
Bustard -- C. H. B. -- Campbell
Broadbent -- L. H. B. -- Kirkpatrick
O'Holleran -- O. R. -- McKelvey
Lennon -- I. R. -- Pepper
Parker -- C. F. -- Ratican
McKenna -- I. L. -- Forrest
McGreevy -- O. L. -- Fleming
Goals -- Fleming, Pepper, McGreevy (scored goal for Bethlehem), Lennon. Referee -- John Walders, Philadelphia. Linesmen -- Celtic, D. McKay; Bethlehem, R. W. Chadwick. Time of halves -- 45 minutes.

Bethelehem Steel Soccer Club