The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, January 8, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Great Interest in Bethlehem-Robins Game
Although no date is set for the Robins Dry Dock team to appear here against Bethlehem, soccer fans are already centering their interest on this clash and it is safe to bet that the Steel athletic field will accommodate the largest crowd of the soccer season. Bethlehem journeys to Brooklyn next week and meets the Dockers in a National league game and in all probability will have the Brooklynites here shortly afterward in a cup game. By staving off defeat in every game since the opening of the season, the shipbuilders are looked upon as the leading contenders for the soccer honors this year. They have practically defeated the best teams in the east and it now remains for the Steel Workers to prove the stumbling block. The early season successes were looked upon by many as only a lucky spurt which would soon be checked but in addition to eliminating many of the strong contenders in the East, the Robins during the Christmas holidays journey to St. Louis where they won two games and drew one. Interest centers on this contest due to the fact that several former local stars have signed up with the shipbuilders and in every game have played an important part in the victory. Usually it is Harry Ratican or "Bob" Millar who drives the sphere into the goal with Neil Clark also playing a strong game. While members of the Bethlehem team, these players became very popular with local fans who are witching their campaigning.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club