The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, January 9, 1920

The Bethlehem Steel vs. Federal Ship, American Cup game at Bethlehem Steel field tomorrow will be an interesting game despite the postponement from last Saturday. The Federals are a team that cannot be regarded as easy prey and the Steel Workers will do well to start off as if determined to get an early lead. The Federals forward line is one of the best in t he country. Richardson the center forward being the most dangerous man in the line and he will require special attention from the start. This game will also give the fans a line on the strength of the Robins team, and as the latter only defeated the Federals in the National Cup by three goals to two. It can be readily seen that the Cup holders have a real game on hand.

The Bethlehem forward line is expected to be stronger tomorrow than at any time this season. A new player will be seen at inside right and it is hoped that the change will add to the scoring strength of the team.

Tomorrow's game will start at two-thirty and the Federals have notified the local management that they will arrive in Bethlehem at 11:10 o'clock in the morning.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club