The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, January 10, 1924
Soccer Notes

Saturday's game with Brooklyn at the Steel Field will complete the first half of the league schedule and at least three teams can b e regarded as still in the running for the pennant. The teams are much more evenly balanced than at any other time in the history of the league, and no game anywhere can be regarded as sure for any team. Newark got off to a bad start and for that reason they are at the bottom of the list, but their recent additions to the playing list will make them dangerous for any team.

Philadelphia is another of the slow starters who are now playing great soccer and any of the three leaders are liable to be on the wrong end of the score when they clash with the Quakers. Brooklyn is regarded as one of the cleverest teams in the country and the local fans who saw them in action here November 17th will not forget the all-around cleverness displayed during the entire game. The visitors still have a chance for the pennant and at least should finish in the first half of the list . The Steel Workers find themselves in the midst of strenuous work in their quest for soccer honors and this weekend they will again take part in two games. After Saturday's clash with Brooklyn they pack their grips and travel to New York, where they will line up on New York oval on Sunday against the Bedford soccer team, of Brooklyn, in the third round of the American Cup. The following Saturday they will clash with Newark at the Phillies' park in the eastern semi-final of the greatest of all soccer trophies, the National Cup. And it is quite possible that they will meet Newark on the Sunday following at Newark in a league game.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club