The Globe -- South Bethlehem
January 11, 1917

Training by the Bethlehem Steel company team was concluded today with all members in good shape and on edge for Saturday's big game in Philadelphia with All-Stars.

Secretary Bientzle of the American League yesterday notified the local management that all arrangements had been completed for the staging of this important contest and the referee will be instructed to start the game at 2:45 p.m. George Young will officiate and will be assisted by two neutral linesmen.

The game will be played on the Phillies' ball grounds, Broad and Huntingdon streets, and should the weather be favorable an immense crowd is expected to be on hand.

Reports from Philadelphia go to show that the picked team has been training hard every day at the Kensington Y. M. C. A. and is confident that it will be able to lower the colors of the National Champions.

On Saturday, January 20, the locals will play the pick of the Blue Mountain league on the new athletic field. This game will be for the benefit of the Eastern Penna. And District Football association the State body governing soccer in Pennsylvania.

On January 28 the Steelworkers will lineup against the All-Star New York team at Harlem Field, 147th and Broadway. This game will be the third round of the American Cup series, the winner to advance into the semi-finals.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club