Bethlehem introduced a line-up made up of two new players. Thore Sundberg, the Swede, who played against Bethlehem on the recent tour and Frank Sturch, the Canadian soccerist, played their first games for the Steel Workers. Both game an excellent account of themselves and when more thoroughly acquainted with the style of their teammates, are going to be a mountain of strength to the home team. In the first half Sundberg did not show as brilliantly as in the last half of the game. This, however, is attributed to icy condition of the field in the territory he covered, and also that he was unfamiliar to the style of Bethlehem play. However, he quickly grasped the latter and easily proved his worth in the final half. Particularly noticeable was his excellent covering of his teammates and his dashing defensive tactics when the visitors secured the ball. Sturch is a clever player, quick on the ball and entirely unselfish. Besides being clever, he is fast and a good shot. The game was the fourth round in the American Cup.
The visitors appeared with only ten men, but judging from the manner in which the Steel Workers monopolized the play after the first twenty minutes, it would have made little difference if Federals had included in their line-up twelve men instead of the regular eleven.
The superiority of Bethlehem was plainly evident from the moment the first goal was scored and it looked as if the combination and aggressiveness that characterized the Bethlehem play in the last two years has again returned.
Bethlehem was the first to attack, but found the visitors' defense strong and vigorous and the locals were soon on the defensive. A variety of give-and-take play was shown around midfield for the first ten minutes. At this stage of the game the visitors initiated an attack that looked dangerous and the Bethlehem defense was given a lively session. When the ball was finally sent past close to the upright by C. F. Richardson, the entire Bethlehem team awoke to the fact that they would have to assert themselves and they were soon hovering in the vicinity of Douglas. Several corners were forced, but nothing came of them, particularly through the poor placing, Sibbald being the chief offending in this respect. His centering was too low and too far out and was easily cleared. After twenty-five minutes of play a nice piece of combination, Murray to Campbell to Sturch, ended in the latter sending a nice center down the field which fullback McDonald misjudged, and before he could recover, Harris had the ball in the net for the opening goal. This seemed to be the only impetus necessary to make the champions settle down in their accustomed stride and in the next fifteen minutes of play Douglas, in goal, was the busiest player on the field. He was either diverting shots or picking the ball out of the net, so vigorous was the attack of the champions.
"Billy" Forrest scored Bethlehem's second goal on a pass from Sibbald and followed up a few minutes later with the third goal on a nice placement from Campbell. The fourth goal was registered by Fleming with a shot from out of his position. He managed by some method to reach the center of the field when he scored, the ball curving away from Douglas and he had no chance to save. With a four-goal lead, the Federals seemed to be utterly crushed and looked as if a record for the American Cup would be a result of the day's work. The champions, however, seemed content to exhibit their wares in the scientific end of the game and no more scoring took place in the first half.
The Federals started the second half with a dash and determined to at least save a shutout, but found Bethlehem's defense as strong and [. . . ] as the attack and their efforts at combination was easily broken up. In a short time play was again transferred in the vicinity of Douglas' citadel, and the Steel Workers continued giving a demonstration of their prowess, the ball traveling from halfbacks to forwards and back again in a way that brought applause from the spectators. Football of this nature continued for about twenty-five minutes when rough work on the part of the left halfback resulted in Bethlehem's fifth goal. Sibbald tracked the Federal player, but the visitors refused to let him pass and dropped him heavily to the ground. Referee Carpenter detected the foul and Tommy Murray taking the kick shot the ball straight for the goal. Douglas was in direct line to handle the ball, but the drive was so powerful that it rebounded out of his hands. Before he had time to recover Sundberg with a great dash of speed rushed in and drove the sphere into the net. After this score there was little to the contest expect Bethlehem and the final whistle found the locals monopolizing most of the play. The line-up:
Bethlehem -- Federals
Duncan -- G -- Douglas
Wilson -- RFB -- Houston
Ferguson -- LFB -- J. McDonald
Murray -- RHB -- Forsythe
Campbell -- CHB -- Stewart
Sundbert -- LHB -- McCrossan
Sibbald -- OR --
Sturch - -IR -- S. McDonald
Harris -- CF -- Richardson
Forrest -- OL -- Logan
Fleming -- IL -- Fitt
Goals -- Forrest 2, Harris, Fleming, Sundberg. Referee -- J. H. Carpenter. Linesmen -- Morrison and Smith. Two 45 minute halves.