The Globe -- Bethlehem
January 13, 1919
In National League Game Here Saturday, Local Champions Win, 3 to 0.

By Fred Nonnemacher
Determined to avenge the defeated suffered in the second round of the National Cup competition, the Merchant A shipbuilders' soccer team strengthened with the addition of several star players, journeyed to Bethlehem on Saturday afternoon, and on the Bethlehem Steel Co. athletic field were defeated more decisively than on their previous visit. Bethlehem won by 3 goals to 0 in a National League game that was replete with thrills. From start to finish the handful of fans who braved the element were treated to scientific soccer, and, although Bethlehem forged into the lead in the first half when Easton headed the ball into the net, the visitors were always dangerous and were exceptionally clever in the open, but their attack lacked the finish of the Steel Workers. Owing to an injury in his leg, McCabe, the Merchants' brilliant center forward, was unable to play, but, nevertheless, the Steel Workers found the team a worthy opponent. Pearce, second baseman for the Philadelphia National League baseball club, lived up to his reputation as one of the greatest goal tenders in the country. He gave a brilliant exhibition as guardian at the net and could not be criticized for any of the shots that beat him. In the last minute of play this sensational performer brought the fans to their feet with a save, but he conceded a corner, tipping the ball over the bar with two opponents hard pressing him. The work was the most spectacular ever witnessed on the local field.

The Bethlehem line-up also presented several changes. Jimmy Easton, who in the game against Merchants several weeks ago was severely injured, was again back in the harness. Easton played center forward in place of Harry Ratican, who returned home from St. Louis too late to get in any practice.

Merchants won the toss and elected to play with the wind behind them. Easton kicked off for Bethlehem and in the first minute Pearce was called upon to save a long shot from Millar. Pepper forced a corner, but McKelvey, placed the ball behind the net. Bethlehem continued to attack but Easton was called up for off-side. Hard work by the visitors' half-back gave their forwards a chance, but Ferguson pulled them up when they looked dangerous. Hemisley broke through, but Duncan cleared and the Bethlehem left carried the ball down the field with pretty passing, but Small stopped Fleming, and Kirkpatrick shot past from long range. Maxwell and Burnett combined cleverly on the left wing, but Wilson intercepted Maxwell's cross and made a good clearance. Two off-side rulings against Fleming spoiled Bethlehem's chances and play was confined to midfield for the next fifteen minutes. Hemisley fouled Pepper, but the penalty was of little advantage to Bethlehem, the visitors' fullback relieving the pressure and Burnett broke away with an individual run, but his shot went high over the bar. Another rush by the visitors' right was spoiled by Duggan fouling Ferguson. Pearce was now given a strenuous session, shots from Easton, McKelvey and Fleming keeping him on the alert. But he seemed to be at the right spot on every occasion. Bethlehem continued to press and looked like scoring, but Kirkpatrick fouled Coursey and the visitors were relieved. Nice combination with Easton, Forrest and McKelvey carried the ball to the vicinity of Pearce, and Easton just missed the upright with the parting shot. Once more the visitors' right wing worked their way down the field, but Ferguson forced Duggan to shoot from long range, the ball going harmlessly past. McKelvey and Forrest combined well and carried the ball down the field, but Forrest missed the best opening of the game when he failed to connect with McKelvey's cross. Once more the visitors bore down on Duncan, but the Steel Workers' goalkeeper was on the alert and stopped Maxwell's stinging shot. Off-side against Forrest spoiled a good movement with the whole line, but the Steel Workers returned and Easton sent past from thirty yards. Off-side against Hemisley helped Bethlehem ward off a sustained attack, and the Bethlehem forward line kept the ball crossing in front of goal and Easton was unfortunate not to score when the ball hit the bar with Pearce completely beaten. The visitors' right broke away, but Ferguson cleared and Pepper dropped a nice one in front of goal. Pearce left his goal to make a clearance but Easton beat him to it, and after thirty-five minutes play, headed the ball into the net for the first goal. The visitors were not discouraged by this reverse and Duncan was called upon to save from Coursey. Once more the visitors attacked., but Wilson cleared and play centered around midfield for the remainder of the period. Score, Bethlehem, 1; Merchants, 0.

Second Half -- The replay opened with both sets of full-backs making long exchanges and a foul against Burnett gave Bethlehem the first opportunity to attack. Easton forced a corner off Morrison, but Pearce saved and Forrest sent over the bar. Clever work by the visitors' halfback line gave the right wing an opportunity to close in on Duncan, but Hemisley missed a cross from Duggan, when it looked as if the goaltender was hopelessly beaten. Hard work by Fletcher and Pepper gave the Bethlehem forwards a chance to attack, but Fleming's shot went wide and Forrest followed up with another wild drive over the bar. Bethlehem continued to attack and Easton missed the upright, being hustled in his parting shot by Morrison. Once more the visitors carried the ball to Bethlehem territory and the usual accurate Hemisley missed another good opportunity to register for Merchants, missing the upright with no one in front of him but Duncan. This fortunate break seemed to give Bethlehem a new lease on life and they made a determined attack on Pearce. Kirkpatrick placed nicely to Millar, and the latter swung the ball to the outside right and McKelvey drove the ball into the net from a difficult angle for Bethlehem's second goal, twenty-two minutes after the start of the replay. The visitors played hard after this goal, but they appeared to be a beaten team, as the Steel Workers were playing with the confidence of success, and a clever exhibition of attack by Bethlehem was cleverly counteracted by the clever defensive methods of the visitors, the full-backs throwing Bethlehem players off-side on several occasions when they looked like breaking through. Fleming being called upon on four occasions when the line was set for a concerted attack on Pearce. Bethlehem forced another corner, but Small cleared and the visitors' left broke away. Coursey got possession of a nice pass from Hemisley, but Ferguson hustled the shot and the ball went harmlessly past. Wilson robbed Burnett and Kirkpatrick placed to Fleming and the later sent over a fine cross. The inside was slow in following up and Morrison cleared. Bethlehem was now showing clever football, particularly Millar, but the finish was weak, the players with the ball often failing to draw the defense before passing, with the result that lots of crosses were intercepted. Hemisley broke away for a nice individual run, but Wilson blocked his parting shot and Ferguson returned to midfield. Fletcher swung the ball to the Bethlehem right and McKelvey sent a nice cross in front of Pearce. The goalkeeper cleared, but Pepper got possession of his clearance and just missed the upright. Fleming forced a corner but Easton sent past. Another attack by Bethlehem was cleverly stopped by Pearce and the visitors' forwards carried the ball to Bethlehem territory. Duncan conceded a corner when hard pressed, but left his goal and made a good clearance of the shot. Bethlehem's left broke away, but Fleming sent past in a good position to score. Coursey and Duggan executed some clever football, but Coursey's parting shot lacked sting, and Duncan cleared easily. Bethlehem left were now conspicuous in the attack and Fleming forced a corner and Pearce was only able to make a partial clearance, when Easton, in the scrimmage, sent the ball into the net for Bethlehem's third goal. A foul against Matthews helped Bethlehem to reach the vicinity of Pearce, but the shooting was poor, shots by Forrest and Millar going wide. With about one more minute to go the Bethlehem left wing had a brilliant run, and Easton headed the ball in from Fleming's cross. Pearce made a sensational save and tipped the ball over the bar for a corner. McKelvey sent the ball past and the pressure was relieved and the ball had only reached midfield on the kickout when the final whistle blew.

The line-up:

Bethlehem. -- Position -- Merchants.
Duncan -- Goal -- Pearce
Wilson -- Right full-back -- Small
Ferguson -- Left full-back -- Morrison
Pepper -- Right half-back -- Matthews
Fletcher -- Center half-back -- McKay
Kirkpatrick -- Left half-back -- Wilson
McKelvey -- Outside right -- Duggan
Forrest -- Inside right -- Coursey
Easton -- Center forward -- Hemisley
Millar -- Inside left -- Maxwell
Fleming -- Outside left -- Burnett
Goals -- Easton, 2; McKelvey 1. Referee, George Young, of Philadelphia. Linesmen, Morrison for Bethlehem; Russell for Merchants. Two 45-minute halves.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club