Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Monday, January 13, 1930
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Portuguese a Prospect
Soccer fans assembled on Lehigh field on Saturday afternoon marveled at the performance of the young Portuguese playing with Fall River and known as Gonsalves. This youth of sturdy physique, a product of the sand lots, who is making his first season in big league soccer, impressed as a very good prospect and one destined to develop into one of the outstanding forwards in the country. Sam Marks, the main works of the Fall River team, was not here but Brother Marks was and the latter elicited the information that Gonsalves, a 20-year-old Portuguese, is but one of the three home bred players who is going great with the undefeated team. Reder, the elongated goalie, is of Polish extraction, who recently passed his nineteenth milestone in life while Patenaude, the center forward, who seldom fails to score but was held scoreless here, is of French extraction and not yet 20 years of age. Breaking into fast company, young as they are, this trio of Marksmen bid fair to have a long and successful career in the booting pastime.

Going Abroad
Mr. Marks was in very talkative humor Saturday, admitting that Fall River is the greatest club, present and past, in the country, to which, of course, many Bethlehem loyals will take exception. However, that is Mr. Marks' opinion and to substantiate it he says many other experts think the same. He lets it be known that the team is besieged with innovations to play at home and abroad. According to this young man a trip abroad is in the making with games assured in Germany and France should negotiations fail to arrange for a series of meets in England and Scotland. By the first of May Mr. Marks expects Fall River to have every championship in America sewed up for that is the time it is planned to embark on the journey to conquer fields anew.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club