Men have been busy all day getting East End field ready for tomorrow's United States Cup game by the Bethlehem Steel vs. Hibernian, Philadelphia. Several loads of saw dust and shavings have been strewn around the field and in around the stands for the comfort of the spectators.
The game will be called at 3 p.m. with W. E. Hinds, Philadelphia, referee. The local team will depend on the same line-up that defeated Disston on Christmas day, with the exception of Macdonald and Butler who are nursing injuries and whose places will be filled by Dean and McKelvey. Both teams are expected to line up as follows:
Bethlehem Steel -- Positions -- Hibernian.
Duncan -- goal -- Hughes
Fletcher -- right fullback -- Jones
Ferguson -- left fullback -- Miller
Murray -- right halfback -- Richardson
Campbell -- center halfback -- Jacovelli
Morrison -- left halfback -- Wilson
Dean -- outside right -- Coursey
McKelvey -- inside right -- Gallagher
Pepper -- center forward -- H. Derbyshire
Brown -- inside forward -- T. Derbyshire
Fleming -- outside left -- Barret