The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, January 16, 1918

Unless there is a radical change in the weather t here will be no league game here on Saturday, January 19th. Paterson F. C., scheduled to be the opponents of the Steel Workers, have been greatly strengthened since the game at Paterson when they tied Bethlehem, 1 to 1, so that a great game may be expected when these teams line up.

Pearce, the Disston goal tender, has the reputation of being one of the greatest goal tenders in the country, but some of Disston's saves had the Disston fans wondering whether they really have the country's best defender of the sticks.

Jimmy Campbell held Connie Lynch safe for the entire e game Saturday. So effective was Jimmy's work that Connie paid an occasional visit to the wings to get more of the ball, but found the same hard going there with Kirkpatrick and Murray working at top speed.

The entire Bethlehem forward line gave a great display and seemed to improve with every game. The speed of the two outside men and the fearless aggressiveness of Pepper, Ratican and Easton is a combination hard to beat.

Fletcher and Ferguson covered one another with a confidence and ability that was a great source of inspiration to the rest of the team and their long clearances broke up many a dangerous raid.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club