The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, January 16, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Former Bethlehemite With National Giants
All the scoring that the National Giants do on Saturday afternoon when they come here to meet the Bethlehem Steel soccer team in an American League game will more or less devolve on Billy Forrest, a former Bethlehem forward, who in recent games has been assigned to the center forward position for the Giants. Billy is the second former Steel Worker to assume that berth for at the opening of the season Dan McNiven, the same "Big Dan" who blazed in goals the season previous for Bethlehem, was signed with the Giants, but later released and is now a member of the New York F. C. Another former Bethlehem player who will be included in the visitors' lineup is Fred Pepper, who plays on the forward line at inside right.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club