The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Monday, January 17, 1916
Local Team Eliminates Philadelphia Eleven in National Competition. 1000 Attend Contest.

In the third round of the National Cup competition the Bethlehem steel company eleven, national soccer champion Saturday afternoon eliminated the Hibernian, of Philadelphia, by the score of 6 goals to 0.

The field was frozen, but otherwise it was in good condition. About 1000 persons witnessed the game in almost zero weather. Saturday's defeat was the third this season administed to the Hibernians by Bethlehem. The playing throughout was largely in the visitors' territory and only seldom did the Hibs show sustained spirts of speed and fine passing. Time and again, however, the visitors broke away with the ball, only to lose it in midfield.

Bethlehem had thirty tries at scoring, while the visitors had nine throuout hte game. Goalkeeper Huges saved no less than a dozen hard cross shots. Duncan, who defended the Bethlehem goal, was thrice called upon to handle difficult shots. In the ninety minutes' play Bethlehem forced eleven corner kicks, while the Hibs secured two. There was very little side playing and one penalty was committed within the penalty area when Jones knocked down the ball with his hands.

The Hibs had three new men in their line-up, Miller, fullback, late of West Hudson, and the Derbyshire brothers, of the Fenton F. C., champions of the United League. Bethlehem was handicapped by the absence of Clark and Butler, who are still nursing injuries. McKelvey was shifted from fullback to a forward position, where he played remarkably well.

Bethlehem. -- Position. -- Hibernians.
Duncan -- goal -- Hughes
Fletcher -- right fullback -- Jones
Ferguson -- left fullback -- Miller
Murray -- right halfback -- Richardson
Campbell -- center halfback -- Robinson
MccDonald -- outside right -- Coursey
McKelvey -- inside right -- Smith
Pepper -- center forward -- S. Derbyshire
Brown -- inside left -- Barrett
Fleming -- outside left -- T. Derbyshire
Goals -- Fleming 2, Brown 2, Pepper, McKelvey. Referees, Walter Hinds, Philadelphia. Linesmen -- J. McLoan, Philadelphia, M. Lawler, Bethlehem. Time of halaves, 45 minutes.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club