The draw for the third round of the National Cup competition is expected to be held Saturday evening in New York. Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit and Pittsburgh are still represented in the western circuit, while the New England states have several of their best teams still in the competition. The same applies to New Jersey and New York. In the eastern Pennsylvania district only two teams are left, Bethlehem Steel company and Henry Disston and Sons, Philadelphia. Bethlehem eliminated Disston from the American cup series a few weeks ago.
H. A. Williams, Bethlehem, has been appointed to referee the Bethlehem Steel vs. Blue Mountain league game here on Saturday. He will be assisted by two neutral linesmen.
The all-star team is reported strong and training hard for the contest. The steelworkers will try out several new men in this game. Spalding, the big fullback who was injured early in the season is in good condition again and will probably be in Saturday's line-up.