The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, January 19, 1920
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Robins Still Undefeated Team
Last week Morse Dry Dock F. C., the team that opposed Bethlehem on the home lot on Saturday afternoon, looked like the most dangerous contender for the championship honors. Today, however, the aspect is entirely different since the team is practically eliminated in the National League race and the much coveted victory over the Robins Dry Docks the week previous in the fourth round American Cup, counted for naught. As the game was ordered replayed on the protest of the Robins management. The information that Morse lost the protest was conveyed to local soccer enthusiasts by one of the Morse players. He informed "Bill" Sheridan before the game on Saturday that at a meeting of the American Cup officials held on Friday night a protest was entered and the game ordered replayed either next Saturday or Sunday. Morse apparently slipped in complying with the regulations demanded in the competition when they played Kershall, a new man, and a good one, before he was eligible. In competing for the American Cup a player must be signed for fourteen days before he becomes eligible to pay his first game. It is understood that Kershall lacked but one day in complying with this regulation. The news leaked out somehow and the game had hardly ended before the Robins management promptly forwarded the protest. Had the latter fallen Robins would have been eliminated from further competition in the cup race.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club