The Globe – South Bethlehem
Tuesday, January 20, 1914 – Front Page

The team will go into strict training this week, starting today. All the members and Committee will report at the Lehigh Gymnasium tonight at 7:45 p.m. and this training will be continued until Friday evening. All of the players with the exception of Galbraith came out of Saturday’s game without injury and all are confident that they will be able to hold their own against the All Star Brooklyn team next Sunday. It has been clearly demonstrated in the last three games against the West Hudsons that the physical condition of the players is a most important factor in these hard games and in both games when extra time had to be played, the better condition of the Bethlehems’ team was very noticeable and in both games during the last 15 minutes the Bethlehems team outclassed the West Hudsons though not scoring. West Philadelphia by winning from the Falls on Saturday, still leads the Allied League of Philadelphia with Bethlehem one point behind, but it must be remembered that West Philadelphia has played three more games than Bethlehems and have lost two so far this year while Bethlehem have lost none and still have those three games on hand and as soon as they can play these off should jump well ahead in the league.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club