The Emergency Committee of the U. S. F. A. was authorized to make arrangements for the grounds for the semi-finals and to appoint officials. The pairings for the fourth round, which must be played off on or before March 17, resulted as follows: Fore River F. C., of Quincy, Mass., vs. Paterson, of Paterson, N. J.; New York F. C., of New York, vs. Morse Dry Dock, of Brooklyn; Bethlehem Steel Company vs. Goodyear F. C., of Akron, O.; Bricklayers and Masons, of Chicago, vs. Roses F. C. of Detroit.
The crack New York Ship F. C. of Camden went to Paterson yesterday with a great reputation to clash with the Paterson F. C. in the first round of the New Jersey State cup competition. A draw resulted each team scoring twice. The game was a hummer from start to finish.
A large crowd of soccer enthusiasts turned out yesterday in New York to welcome the crack Merchant Ship Building F. C., who tackled New York in a National League game and won in great style, 4 to 0. The ground was in bad shape, being three parts under water.
Without Jimmy Campbell, Bethlehem does not seem as formidable in the halfback line. All the same the National champions are keeping up their winning streak in the various competitions, and again look like winning the National and American cups with the National League thrown in for good measure.