With every particle of snow cleared off, leaving the field fast ad dry turf, soccer fans will perhaps be treated to one of the best games of the soccer season when the Bethlehem booters square off against the New York Nats here on Saturday afternoon, determined to avenge two previous setbacks.
The playing pitch is in excellent shape, made possible by the labor devoted the past two days in removing the snow. With the aid of tractors and an army of snow shovelers, the fleecy white was quickly removed.
The forward line will be complete with Gillespie, Jaap, Stark, Massie and Dick. The latter will make his first home appearance in several weeks and his inclusion at outside left is expected to strongly increases the scoring possibilities of the team. Dick, "under the weather" in two important home games, celebrated his return last Sunday at Providence when Bethlehem turned in a decisive victory. With that game as a condition after his long layoff he should be even better against the Nats.
The defensive department of the homesters will witness the two veteran halfbacks, Bob McGregor and "Bill" Finlayson, retain at the fullback position. Finlayson, badly banged up in the Fall River game here several weeks ago, is fully recovered and ready for a hard game. In the event of an emergency it is understood that both Allan and Gibson, the regular backs, will be ready to get into action.
"Bill" Carnihan, also ill recently, is again reported fit and with the sturdy center halfback in fine fettle, the opposition is certain to find plenty to worry about. Carnihan will be flanked by Pitt, the speedy and clever little sorrel-topped halfback and the veteran "Bill" Reid.
Anticipating a hard and close game the league has assigned the fearless Johnny Walders, of Philadelphia, to handle it. The probable lineup follows:
New York Nationals -- Bethlehem
Scuza -- G -- Fraser
Warden -- RFB -- Finlayson
Donald -- LFB -- McGregor
Chatten -- RHB -- Reid
Slavin -- CHB -- Carnihan
Martyn -- LHB -- Pitt
Gallagher -- OR -- Gillespie
Carlson -- IR -- Jaap
Nelson -- CF -- Stark
Ozores -- IL -- Massie
McGhee -- OL -- Dick