Bethlehem Globe
Friday, January 21, 1916
Game to be Played in Philadelphia, on Saturday.

At the American league meeting last evening in the Inquirer building, Philadelphia, final arrangements of the playing off of the three league games were made. Disston will play the Ranger in the Disston ball park; referee, George Allen. The Boys' club vs. Victor Talking Machine company at Front street and Erie avenue on the Boys' club grounds; referee, W. Dean. Hibernian and Bethlehem Steel in Potter's field, Front street and Erie avenue. This game will be called at 3 p.m. George Young, Philadelphia, will referee. The Hibernian management said last night that Bob Miller, late of Bethlehems, besides otehr New York and New England stars will play for Hibernian against Bethlehem Steel on Saturday. Bethlehem Steel team concluded training today. The line-up follows: Duncan, Fletcher, Ferguson, Murray, Campbel, Morrison, Ford, McKelvey, Pepper, Brown, Fleming, MacDonald, Graham, Lynn and Horsfall. They will leave on the 10:33 train for Philadelphia.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club