The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, January 22, 1924
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Are You Going to Philadelphia
"Are you going to Philadelphia?" soccer enthusiasts are asking one another and of course by this query they have reference to the semi-final of the National Cup competition to be staged in the Phillies ball park on Saturday afternoon when the Bethlehem Steel soccer team and the Newark F. C. clash. Inquiries have been made relative tot he details of the game. That is the time of starting and the transportation facilities. Judging by this unusual interest the management believes that scores of local rooters will make the trip. Relative to sports attractions in Bethlehem, no better date could have been selected for the semi-final. Glancing over the schedule it is noticed that the only sport entertainment for next Saturday will be that provided by scholastic teams. Athletics at Lehigh are practically at a standstill until after the mid-year examinations. Those scheduled will be resumed around the middle part of February. Two Lehigh teams have yet to display their wares before closing down shop. The basketball quintet appear in their finale at home on Wednesday evening with Temple University as the opponent and on Saturday afternoon the wrestling team journeys to Annapolis to meet the Navy.

Bethlehem Steel Four Times a Winner
Its been four years since the trophy emblematic of the United States Football Association cup competition adorned the trophy room of the Bethlehem Steel soccer team and it is this season that hopes are running the highest of again lifting the cup. The Steel Workers have won the historic cup on four occasions and hold the record of having annexed the trophy in more competitions than any other team. The National Cup competition had its inception in 1915 and in that year Bethlehem garnered the honors. The Steel Workers repeated in 1916 but the following year lost out to Fall River, the rival contenders again this year. At the close of the seasons of 1918 and 1919 Bethlehem won the trophy but in the years following to date were eliminated. At no time since annexing the cup in 1919 has the team advanced as far in competition as this year and with a comparison of the season's record to date, this is the year predicted to retrieve the honors. If Bethlehem defeats Newark on Saturday, Fall River will be the opponent in the final to decide which of the two teams will meet the western finalists.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club