The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, January 23, 1919
Soccer Notes

Bethlehem Steel soccer team will probably have several changes in its lineup for Sunday's game with the Federal Shipbuilding team in the third round of the American Cup, at Newark. It is not expected that Ferguson will be able to play, and the probable defense will be Duncan, Fletcher and Wilson. This will mean that the halfback line will have to be changed as Campbell is still on the injured list. With Butler again training and in good form a strong line ought to be selected from the following men: McKelvey, Forrest, Easton, Ratican, Millar and Fleming. The Shipbuilders have a strong team and will be sure to make the cup holders travel a fast pace. However, despite the changes in the Steel Workers' lineup the latter ought to win by a comfortable margin.

The following is the draw for the third round, American Cup, which begins on Sunday, Jan. 26: Federal Ship F. C. vs. Bethlehem Steel; Merchant Ship Team A vs. J & P Coats, Saturday, Jan. 25; Babcock & Wilcox F. C. vs. Robins Dry Dock F. C., Feb. 2; Paterson F. C. vs. Morse Dry Dock F. C., Feb. 9. Games to be played on the ground of the first named club.

If Bethlehem Steel are victorious in the next two cup games they will be semi-finalists in both the National and American cups.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club