Bill Porter Beat a Sudden Retreat
Bill Porter's inclusion with the Philadelphia soccer team was decidedly brief. In fact, according to reports from Philadelphia, Bill has already had his fill of the game as played in America and has beat a hasty retreat back to Scotland. Porter's soccer career in this country had its inception in Bethlehem, landing here shortly upon his arrival in America and after a short stay was included among the list of former Bethlehem celebrities who invaded Philadelphia when further soccer activities of the crack Bethlehem Steel team were abandoned. It is understood that the Philadelphia management regrets losing Porter but believes it has his equal in Neilson, a young home product, who is reported to be playing a slam-bang game. Various reasons were advanced for the sudden departure of Porter, who was honored with the captaincy of the team. Humiliated by the loss of his regular position to a youngster regarded as nothing more than a novice at the sport, however, is referred to as the definite reason for his home-going in a letter penned by one who is in close touch with the Phillies and which was published in a Philadelphia paper. The letter follows:
"By this time I suppose that you will be aware of Bill Porter's departure. In this connection, I wish to tell you that there is no man in this world who knows better than the same Bill Porter that his departure was hastened by the fact that Neilson had won the center-half position from him. That this is true, there is no question, for Neilson was choice for the center-half role and Porter was assigned to the left halfback job for tomorrow's game against the Fall River United. There is nothing more penetrating and jolting to the pride of a star in any branch of athletics than to have some youthful busher come along and put the old tin-can on your work . In this case it happens that the rapidity of Porter's migration to bonnie Scotland is not the result of what he has been offered from the land of Bruce, but the humiliation of playing alongside the young start who snared his job. Porter is a beautiful player and all that, but who can say that Babe Ruth, the famous, owes his job to grace? These things occur often and will happen until the Good Man above puts the skids under humanity. The Philadelphia team did not lose, for in Neilson they have uncorked a man who is a whole halfback line in himself. Neilson, unlike the man he displaces, plays his own position and keeps his wing halves. The man whose pride received such a severe jolt contented himself in playing his own position only, and let it go at that. Under the circumstances, the Quakers win. As for Porter -- he was so broken-hearted over losing his place that he actually quit just one whole week before he could get a steamer to take him back."