The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Monday, January 24, 1916
Philadelphia Eleven Compelled To Play Defensive Game -- Both Teams Weakened Toward Close.

Bethlehem on Saturday defeated Hibernian in Philadelphia by the close score of one goal to none.

In the first half the Hibs defended the best part of the field, and for the greatest part of the time were compelled to play a defensive game, but the fine work of Jones and Wilson kept their opponents from scoring, Wilson especially stopping a dangerous shot in the early stages of the game when Hughes was well beaten.

On one occasion Ford went for Hughes when the goalkeeper was in possession of the ball. However, the Bethlehem player instead of charging Hughes used his beet, with the result that the two players came to blows and were cautioned by Referee young. When half time arrived the score sheet was blank and it appeared as though the teams were very reluctant to restart the second half, owing to the bad condition of the ground.

Crossing over, the Philadelphia team had to contend with the churned up mud and it was pretty had to get the ball very far away, as the front line of the local team was always ready to return it in at close range. It was following one of these returns that Ford, who had worked the ball down to near the goal line, and, centering it, Brown beat Hughes after the Hibs' custodian had partially cleared. The teams weakened perceptibly toward the close and some of the players were hardly able to clear the ball.


Bethlehem. -- Positions. -- Hibernian.
Duncan -- goal -- Hughes
Fletcher -- right fullback -- Jones
Ferguson -- left fullback -- Wilson
Murray -- right halfback -- Richardson
Campbell -- center halfback -- Jacovelli
Ford -- outside right -- Scott
McKelvie -- inside right -- Barrett
Pepper -- center forward -- Robinson
Brown -- inside left -- Robinson
Fleming -- outside left -- Waltemate
Referee, G. Young. Linesmen -- Lawson and Gossner. Time of halves, 30 minutes. Goal for Bethlehem, Brown.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club