The Globe - South Bethlehem
Monday, January 25, 1915 - page 1
Bad Field and Weather the Cause. Hibernian's Desperate Chances.

Bethlehem officials after a careful inspection of East End field on Saturday at 9 a.m. called off the game scheduled with Hibernian, Philadelphia. This action was the only possible course Bethlehems' management could take for the grounds were snow covered and rain was descending. As evidence how far Hibernian intended to win the game, Bethlehems management says that it had arranged for several New York stars to help it. On account of Bethlehems' management not calling off the game until 10 o'clock, the Hibernian unable to stop these men leaving New York. They arrived in Bethlehem and were very much disappointed when they discovered there was no game and what is more that they were talking to a Bethlehems official and giving him some very valuable information until after that gentleman had left them. The players in question were Glazier and McLean, New York Continentals and their eligibility to play for the Hibernians is very questionable. This goes to show that the Hibernian management is making every effort to register a win over Bethlehems. This game will be played at Bethlehems in March.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club